CWSV Volume 2
The truly Pure also can have a love where you do not fall in love, but rise in lore inspiring love and not weakening attachment or wishy-washy sentimentalism. True Purity alone is true love, and true love alone is genuine purity. Sometimes moral weakness passes by the name of Purity just as attachment assumes the name of love.
CWSV Volume 2
No man was ever pure at heart except through his own experience. Attaching undue importance to the merest trifle of outward purity, nay sex-hatred, keeps you off from the only true Purity— realization of Self. Extravagant regard for sexlessness and practical impotency is wandering away along the Tangent line aberrating from the true course of orbit.
CWSV Volume 2
On all the doors of life is written “Pull,” but you misread and begin to “push.”How will the door open in such a case? Pushing is arguing; pulling is drawing within your own self through Love. Heart is the entrance to the jubilee hall of Inspiration; Head is the exit. Love inspires, head expounds. Feelings always precede thinking, as the body precedes the clothes. Change the feelings in an individual, and his whole method of thinking will be revolutionized.
CWSV Volume 2
The spirit of criticism seems to be offensive, but mostly it is due to defensive self-preservation. In order that a habit or practice may be given up, it sharp criticism, showing all the evil consequences, is necessary. When we see others afflicted by that habit, we naturally want to avoid their company for fear of contagious suggestion. The formation of a new habit and view-point accompanies the breaking of the old; and so long as the world has any room for improvement, the spirit of criticism and comparison will last.
CWSV Volume 2
“All forms of tyranny have their beginning in kindness” is a saying too true. And where love even for the unlike is entertained, victory and success in our struggle with nature is guaranteed and the conquering of the elements becomes an easy matter. And all struggle with nature in tantamount to realizing on the material plane the truth “I am the ruling spirit of all.”