CWSV Volume 4, In Woods of God-Realisation
The Mauni one day got disgusted—and cut it off (Urdu word). Cut off body—relationships, absolutely, entirely. Answer no questions on that score: offer no requests from that side: make no complaint on body’s behalf: entertain no thought as to what shall I eat,...
CWSV Volume 4, In Woods of God-Realisation
In three hours a hut (Parnakuti) was prepared by shepherds living in the forest. They made it rainproof to the best of their power. At night severe rain-storm set in. Every three minutes lightning flashed, followed by rolling thunders at which each time the mountain...
CWSV Volume 4, In Woods of God-Realisation
Make not the companion responsible. Put him not on the defensive. Blame not. This is the secret of successful work among people. This is giving Abhaya Dana and moving about Nirbhaya. Elasticity = Forgiveness of sins Repentance = Absolute giving up of the old evil...
CWSV Volume 4, In Woods of God-Realisation
Religion is as universal and vitally connected with our being as the act of eating. The successful atheist knows not the process of his own digestion as it were. After seven years1 experience. For Vedanta, purity of Patra is extremely indispensable. If there remains...
CWSV Volume 4, In Woods of God-Realisation
The following for consideration and Reconciliation – Attracted by the Sun, being both solid and liquid (heterogeneous) clouds form, vapours rise, and feel attracted by clouds Namarupani. In the rise of vapour, heat becomes latent, complete solidification, and...