About Ramana Maharshi, Surpassing Love and Grace
Painful was that veiling to our human hearts. Yet in these days of seeming deprivation, happy indeed are we if we be driven thereby inward, to see and love him there; shining as the Heart of all, the ineffably radiant Self, manifesting ever as the Self of our self, the very Being of our being, the ever-blessed Awareness of all Truth, the Stillness of omnipresent Bliss – Satchidananda.
About Ramana Maharshi, Surpassing Love and Grace
The real Self is continuous and unaffected. The reincarnating ego belongs to a lower plane, that of thought. It is transcended by Self-realization. Reincarnations are due to a spurious offshoot of Being and are therefore denied by the Buddhists. The human state is due to the mingling of the sentient with the insentient.
About Ramana Maharshi, Surpassing Love and Grace
“One of my greatest wishes was to meet Sri Ramana Maharshi before the end came and learn from him all about birth and death,” said Sedderling.
About Ramana Maharshi, Surpassing Love and Grace
“As one with feigned enthusiasm and joy, with feigned excitement and hatred, as one taking feigned initiative and making a feigned effort, play in the world, O Raghava, the Hero!”
About Ramana Maharshi, Surpassing Love and Grace
The ‘Seekers’ do not seem to have learned the meaning of humility, which is the foremost virtue of a sadhaka. For the mind turned bright by its own purity cannot but rightly assess the difficulties of the task ahead and the relentless fight to be put up in the ups and downs of the long and arduous road. A pure seeker allows no outward appearance to cloud his judgement, but gratefully seeks the help of senior and more experienced sadhakas.
About Ramana Maharshi, Surpassing Love and Grace
“The Guru is not the physical form, so contact will remain even after his physical form vanishes.”