CWSV Volume 5
This is just the beginning. My little work here makes a big echo in India. So I shall not return there in a hurry. My intention is to do something permanent here, and with that object I am working day by day. I am every day gaining the confidence of the American people.
CWSV Volume 5
The real spiritual man is broad everywhere. His love forces him to be so. Those to whom religion is a trade are forced to become narrow and mischievous by their introduction into religion of the competitive, fighting, and selfish methods of the world.
CWSV Volume 5
I care more to preach religion to the downtrodden than to the rich. I am no metaphysician, no philosopher, nay, no saint. But I am poor, I love the poor. I see what they call the poor of this country, and how many there are who feel for them! What an immense difference in India.
CWSV Volume 5
In India, there is a howling cry that we are very poor, but how many charitable associations are there for the well-being of the poor? How many people really weep for the sufferings of the poor in India? Are we men? What are we doing for their livelihood, for their improvement?
CWSV Volume 5
“Never one meets with evil who tries to do good” (Gita, VI. 40).”Never one meets with evil who tries to do good” (Gita, VI. 40).
CWSV Volume 5
Letter Swami Ramakrishnananda