About Ramana Maharshi, Surpassing Love and Grace
The ‘Seekers’ do not seem to have learned the meaning of humility, which is the foremost virtue of a sadhaka. For the mind turned bright by its own purity cannot but rightly assess the difficulties of the task ahead and the relentless fight to be put up in the ups and downs of the long and arduous road. A pure seeker allows no outward appearance to cloud his judgement, but gratefully seeks the help of senior and more experienced sadhakas.
About Ramana Maharshi, Surpassing Love and Grace
. One day, I remember, there was a talk in the darshan hall about the potencies of the avatara-hood, the special incarnation of God, when Sri Bhagavan remarked, without a vestige of self-glorification, that an avatara was only a partial manifestation of Iswara, the Creator, whereas the jnani, the Self-realised man was Brahman Itself.
Memories and Notes on Guru Ramana
From the chapter PART III Diary of the book “Guru Ramana – Memories and Notes” by S. S. Cohen. 5th September 9-40 a.m. A visitor hands the Maharshi a very beautiful walking stick, which seems to be made of the best ebony. Maharshi takes it, turns it on all...
Memories and Notes on Guru Ramana
From the chapter PART III Diary of the book “Guru Ramana – Memories and Notes” by S. S. Cohen. 28th August From early morning people started flocking from the town to the Ashram, on the rumour that the Maharshi had passed away. Many of them came with tears...
Memories and Notes on Guru Ramana
From the chapter PART III Diary of the book “Guru Ramana – Memories and Notes” by S. S. Cohen. 17th August, 1948 10-15 a.m. Mr. Rappold, an American devotee opens his eyes from meditation in which he seems to have been deeply sunk and raises his voice:...