Bhagavathamrutham Videos – Swami Udit chaithanyaji (6 Volumes)
Thanks to bebliss4life for uploading Swami Udit Chaithanya’s Bhagavathamritham Spiritual Discourse video clips in YouTube (Malayalam). This video clips are now available in sreyas for readers made into YouTube playlists.
Ramakathasagaram Video – Swami Udit Chaithanyaji
We extend our thanks to bebliss4life for uploading Udit Chaithanyaji’s Ramakadhasagaram Spiritual Discourse video clips in YouTube. This article has the first 6 volumes of the discourses (given as playlists), having an average of 100 minutes duration. If you would like to buy the DVDs, please visit Uditji’s website, You may subscribe to spiritual videos in SreyasTV youtube channel.