CWSV Volume 2
That is just what people do in their dealings with each other. Observing in a friend tiny flaws in a particular line, what a strong tendency have we to sweep off all regard for his good traits!
O dear people, you can never love anything so long as you perceive ugliness there. Love means perception of beauty.
CWSV Volume 2
Let any person of real religious experience refer to his moment of what is called communion and assert whether any idea of God, not to say of himself or the world, subsists there. In true realization there is no meum and tuum, no trace of subject and object.
CWSV Volume 2
“Brotherhood of Man” is a misnomer. “Universal Brotherhood” is a misnomer, it does not quite come up to the mark. The word ‘brother‘ implies some difference; brothers are seen at war fighting with one another, but here there is not the least room for any difference; here there is more than brotherhood. “Oneness and the United Oneness of Man “would have been a better title. You will say, “Bother us not about the speculations of the Atman, you always talk to us about the Atman or Self; that is something very subtle.”Well, all right, if you be willing to hear about that Atman, then there is no room for talk, and all the matter ends immediately; there at least we are all one, no words can reach that state; no language can come up there. But if you do not want to hear about the Atman which is beyond words, Rama will take up the matter from the very body; that is very gross; even if we waive the nature of the Atman, even if we do not consider the Atman, the true Self, the physical bodies also prove that all of you are one. Minds prove that all of you are one.
CWSV Volume 2
There are certain things the mere mention of which causes the mouth to water, such as oranges, lemons, etc. The mere mention of these produces an effect and the eating of these produces certainly a complete effect. Just so the mere sound or chant of OM will produce a certain effect mid if you take it in its entirety, the effect is complete. You may not feel the effect in the beginning, but it must eventually bear fruit, rest assured.
CWSV Volume 2
Your Atma, your real nature, is like the transparent diamond, the resplendent crystal. Place beside it something black and the crystal appears black; place beside the pure crystal something red and the pure crystal appears to be red, and so on. In reality the pure crystal is colourless. It is Beyond all tints, Beyond all redness, blackness, or any other colour; it is what it is. Similarly, the Atma. of yours, the true Self of yours is “What it is”: It is pure “I am.”