One Who Seeks The Father’s Abode, The Father’s Presence

Now the mind, already with the Father, draws the body after it. Withdrawing the mind from outward objects and seeking the Self within is seeking the Father’s abode. “I go in search of my Father,” wrote Bhagavan when he left Madura. In Arunachala, Siva withdraws Sakti into Himself and stands as pure Being and Awareness. After reaching Arunachala Bhagavan ‘does’ nothing. His story is the story of his devotees and the story of the whole world

One Who has Realized the Supreme Value, One Who Knows The Ultimate Reality

That the meaning of I is Being-Awareness-Bliss, the identity of self and Self, this is the supreme truth that Bhagavan realized and taught. From that day in July 1896 when he transcended the upadhis (attributes of limitation and separation) and attained complete identity with Universal Awareness, he enjoyed the unbroken bliss of Eternal Being. Man has become God without ceasing to be man. An ordinary schoolboy has been chosen by Mother Sakti to be and function as Kumara, a perennial source of spiritual energy and a living centre of creative goodness