The 108 Names of Sri Bhagavan (Ramana Ashtothara 34-38) Original Sanskrit by Sri Viswanatha Swami and English Translation & Commentary by Professor K. Swaminathan
34. Châtavatyam samasinah: Calmly seated in the mango grove.
[This name describes the two years’ stay in Gurumurthamand the adjacent mango grove. In this period of stillness, he bestowed as well as enjoyed profound calmness].
Om Châtavatyam samasinaya namah.
35. Chârnitakhila vibhramah: One who has destroyed all illusions.
[He had completely annihilated every kind of maya, not only for himself, but for those who sought his guidance].
Om Chârnitakhila vibhramaya namah.
36. Veda Vedanta tattvajnah: One who has understood the inner significance of the Vedas and of Vedanta.
[Having known, enjoyed and himself become the very chidananda, Awareness-Bliss, which is the essence and import, the source and the goal, of the scriptures, he now fully embodies and directly reveals the reality to which the scriptures are only pointers].
Om Veda Vedanta tatvajnaya namah.
37. Chinmudrine namah: Bestower of supreme wisdom by silence.
[THAT, which cannot be imparted to others by words, can only be taught by Mouna, utter silence. The SILENT PRESENCE of Sri Bhagavan was His supreme teaching].
Om Chinmudrine namah.
38. Trigunatigah: One who has transcended the three gunas.
[Having no ego, no ‘I’ sense, and being the pure, universal Awareness, Bhagavan is a jivanmukta, a sthitaprajna, agunatita. His very nature and being is nirvikara chidakasa, the immutable sky of pure Awareness, transcending all particularities].
Om Trigunatigaya namah.