CWSV Volume 4, In Woods of God-Realisation
Not by the elimination of the spiritually weak (as unfit to survive), but rather by the elimination of the spiritually strong (as needing no longer to survive) is virtue in this world increased. Q. Do you try patent medicines? A: Yes, I try them first on my wife. And...
CWSV Volume 4, In Woods of God-Realisation
The people arrested, Shams says, “My name is Mohammad, The rabble will not take gold That is not coined.” * * * * The Rod of Moses swallows up the rods and other engines of Pharoah’s magicians (70 camel loads) and yet became no thicker or longer....
CWSV Volume 4, In Woods of God-Realisation
The objective mind lulled down to sink into the subjective and hence the suggestibility of multitudes (and mobs). Nowhere else, except perhaps in solitary confinement are the voluntary movements of man so limited as they are in the crowd; and the larger the crowd, the...
CWSV Volume 4, In Woods of God-Realisation
As the human Will seems capricious because the springs of volition are hidden from our observation, so to the unknown will that limits our own has been practically ascribed an infinite caprice. Anthropomorphism has been to some degree universal because each man must...
CWSV Volume 4, In Woods of God-Realisation
It is not the truth in man’s possession that makes the worth of man. Possession makes him selfish, lazy, proud. Not through possession, but through long striving comes the ever-growing strength. If God should hold in His right hand all truth, and in His left...