Law of Compensation

All advances in one structure imply degradation of some other. The specialization of the human hand has been at the cost of the human foot. The power to live by his wits has taken from man something of the strength and spryness of his ape-like ancestors. To have...

Vairag before Conversion

The child has about as many nerve-veils as the adult. They differ from those of the adult in form. Those of the child are mostly round, whereas those of the adult have very many branches with which they connect with the other cells. Nervous growth seems to consist...

Change or Perish

Is the grim watchword of Nature. Millions are dying for sheer lack, of plasticity to modify themselves with change of conditions. (Especially in India – Ed.) Irritability or the response to external stimulus is an attribute of all living animals, and as...

Struggle for Love

Where instead of wasting energy on struggle with the (1) like, alliance with the like is secured, Sure victory is gained in the (2) Struggle with the Unlike. And where love even for the unlike is entertained, Victory and success is our (3) struggle with Nature is...

Fame no greatness

Fame is a jutting crag which may project from a very low mountain. Far higher elevations may not catch the eye if their outline is not unusual.” * * * * If conjugation be prevented in protozoa, the animal soon shows increasing signs of degeneration which result...