With The Sage of The Holy Hill -2 (Surpassing Love And Grace)

“Delve down into That which only is, for when you achieve this you find ‘That am I’; there is and can be nothing else than That. When you see this, all the trappings of maya and make-believe fall off, even as the worn-out slough of the snake. So all that you have to do is to get to this I, the real I behind your seeming I, for then you are rid forever of the illusive ‘I-ness’ and all is attained, since you stay thenceforward at one with That which is you; that’s all.”

Spiritual Power (Surpassing Love And Grace)

What will happen to the hundreds that will be deprived of spiritual nourishment? As I was mentally addressing this question to Sri Ramana, a radiance was felt by me. His physical form on the chowki gradually became shrunken, smaller and smaller and vanished into the radiance. The radiance grew deeper and more powerful. I felt I had the answer to my query. Even though the body may disappear the concentration of spiritual power which was focused round it will continue to shed its influence. And as long as one can put oneself into attunement with that form and with that radiance, one can draw spiritual sustenance.

I Am Not The Body and That I Am Not Going Anywhere(Surpassing Love And Grace)

To me Bhagavan is more than all other gods or prophets so far incarnated on earth, such as Rama, Krishna, Buddha, Christ, Mohamed, Nanak and others. I have only read and heard about them, and cannot have proper conception of them. Even the numerous pictures of them are only imaginary, and naturally, they are all different from one another, therefore it is impossible to have an exact conception of any of them. On the other hand I have seen Bhagavan and therefore I have a very clear conception of an ideal to meditate upon.