Its votaries sunk in the dark depths of their mine grow so short-sighted that they deny that the Sun shines.
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The bird which builds a nest for offspring yet to come bears witness in its act to the omnipotence and continuity of a will for which the interval between pairing time and rearing time does not exist.
Free man = One who has regained his sense of universality, and has risen superior to the needs of sensuality.
Such a spectator looks at things, as it were, from inside.
He is no longer a needy being, one outside others. Identified with the object of contemplation.
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Schopenhauer in his Parerga II and 185.
“How thoroughly does the Upanishad breathe the holy spirit of the Vedas. And how does everyone, who by diligent perusal has familiarized himself with the Persian – Latin of this incomparable book, feel himself stirred to his innermost by that spirit. Oh! How the mind is here washed clean of all its early ingrafted Jewish superstition and all philosophy servile to that superstition! It is the most profitable and the most elevating reading, which (the original text excepted) is possible in the world. It has been the consolation of my life, and will be the consolation of my death.”
Even the meanest of God’s creatures boasts two soul-sides, one to face the world, with One to show a woman when he loves her.
The individual advances only so far as he merges his will in the national will (Service of society).
The nation prospers only in so far as she merges her will in the cosmic will.
And the cosmic will is advancing toward the denial of the will to live.
Thus the circle gets completed.
When we deny our will, the will is realized.
There is no safer test of greatness than the faculty to let mortifying and insulting expressions pass unheeded merely perceiving, without feeling them.
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“Philosophy,” says Schopenhauer “is a plant which like the alpenrose, or the fluenblume, only flourishes in free mountain-air, but deteriorates under artificial culture.”
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It is as little necessary that the saint should be a philosopher as that the philosopher should be a saint.
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The names of Fichte, Hegel, and other philosophers were to Schopenhauer like the red rag to the angry bull.
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Morality is your inmost nature resting on the laws of your metaphysical being, which in ordinary consciousness you forget It is on the latent sense of the identity of one and all that morality is founded.
It is certain that sovereignty belongs to the people, but Demos is a sovereign who is always under age, and can seldom manage his own concerns.
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Philosophy is intellectual unity.
Poetry is unity in feeling
Sage (Religion) is unity in conduct, life.
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“I do not doubt that the mind is a less pleasant thing to look at than the face, and for that very reason it needs more looking at; so always have two mirrors on your toilet table, and see that with proper care you dress body and mind before them daily.” – J Ruskin
“Whenever in any religious faith, dark or bright, we allow our minds to dwell upon the points in which we differ from other people, we are wrong and in the devil’s power.”
“The moment we find we can agree as to anything that should be done, then do it.” J Ruskin
The vulgar catch an opinion like a cold by infection.
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When men are rightly occupied, their amusement grows out of their work, as the colour-petals out of a fruitful flower.
“Visible Governments are the toys of some nations, the diseases of others, the harness of some, the burdens of more.” – J Ruskin
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Unjust kings can no more be the true kings of the nation than gadflies are the kings of a horse; they suck it and may drive it wild, but do not guide it.
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There is but one pure kind of kingship – the eternal and inevitable.
Dismiss all thought about friends, foes, etc., as we should dismiss from the mind ghost stories and spirits so-called.
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The more beautiful the art, the more it is essentially (1) “The work of people who felt themselves wrong.”
(2) Happiness pursued (ambition or passion) brings disappointment. Happiness results, of itself, from devotion to art and work.
On the Empirical plane the advancement of nations is like the hyperbolic curve approaching nearer and nearer the straight central tangent of Vedantic life, yet never actually touching it. But on metaphysical considerations, the curve was never separate from the tangent.
The great objection to Vedanta: It kills out feelings and blears the aesthetic vision. It is un-feeling, callosity, nature-like rectilinear conduct which Vedanta inculcates. No regard to people’s feelings, no eye for personal charms. E.g. Beauty of ladies and damsels affects Rama as the beauty of cows and horses, utterly below personal feelings, although well appreciated.
The Truth, the Reality gains such enormous dimensions that the things, criticisms, and causation become unreal; human feelings are washed out. Yet Divine Feeling begins to overflow instead, and laughing sunshine bathes everything in joy, (without personal distinctions).
Off: 1. The fool fights with and blames always the surroundings, sees the real cause outside (Karpanya) self-degradation.
Near: 2. The next higher retrospects and applies the axioms and aphorisms to himself; reviews his own doings; corrects himself.
Hits the mark:—3. The highest sees Himself the all,
outside as well as inside, by Him moved is the world of its own accord, and looks at the world and behold, it is all good, finds the universe just turning round Him with folded hands, chanting hymns of praise.
Human Kheda: Some come to allure you, to drive you out of your element (by praise etc). Others put a noose around you, others (of kindred nature, once free) bite you and kick you into slavery like their own.
That place alone will become your permanent home where you can keep yourself entirely above the thought of seeming home, and perfectly At Home.
When you set your heart on a place, the place will drive you out; just as when you depend upon a person, the person must betray your confidence or be separated somehow or other.
In Sushupti (sound sleep) and Death, Jadata (helplessness) prevails, and (Urdu word) is Maya, being the characteristic property of Form.
Rajayoga Samadhi again is subject to Maya particularity and, limitation of (Urdu word) being still on hot pursuit. The Yogi labours, but so do the farmers and miners etc.
The only gate to freedom is jnanasamadhi.
Electricity, magnetism, gravitation, molecular force, being convertible into one another are one.
My Will overcomes gravitation in jumping etc. My Will matches all; hence I (the Will) am one with all Force.
Beauty of form is mere transparency which reveals Me, the only Reality.
Singleness or Simplicity of Force characterizes Hypnosis as well as Atmasakshatkar, but in the one is simplicity of (Urdu word), in the other simplicity of (Urdu word).
God draws out Love from us per force, at the bayonet’s point.
Love Him or die. O Tyranny!
Can this forced-out affection be called Love? Yes, where in the world was love freely granted? The higher power draws mercilessly: Even (Urdu verse) smack of the weapons of tyranny.
(Urdu verse)
Enter into the heart – into the heart of men, women – into the heart of the Earth and the Sun, into the heart in such a way that only the Central Force, the heart Power remains real, and everything else is relegated to the surface-show, as three dimensions, sp. to the Hyperspace.
(a) In Hypnosis etc., the Mind = snow: conformity, can be easily handled and shaped into any form. The outside forces of gravitation, drafts of wind, etc. arc not in full operation. No mobility, inertia.
(b) In Jnanasamadhi the mind = steam.
{Pressure = Power multiplied 1700 times. Non-conformity, compare (Urdu verse)}
(c) The ideas correspond to the particles of matter. These ideas like material bodies are, in their turn, centres of force again.
(d) The Rule of Conduct.
Before commencing any subject, or undertaking any work, have enough of Divine Heat stored up in you. This Divine Heat is the spiritual stomach. Eat just so much at, a time as will he thoroughly assimilated, digested and made holy. If secular study is thoroughly assimilated’ it will aid the spiritual fire.
(e) Schopenhauer is right in calling Will the ultimate principle. Will grows into light Jnana.
Heat = Faith, The glow of spiritual love.
Light (Jnana) = The resulting transparency.
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Success in the phenomenal world can come only if the blessed mood precedes (whether through work, through study or anyway) – the blessed Mood that dispels all separation.
To obtain a thing (without clash or impact) the velocity or force must be diminished. (Even a train must lose its motion before reaching a station). This diminution in molar motion could only take place through transmutation into molecular (inner) energy or Expansive Heat.
Drinking wine = Canal irrigation for the fields in India [where the peasants add no manure and have an increasingly strong temptation to supply far more water than necessary]. The first crop is over-abundant but (the food materials being soon exhausted), the land is rendered- barren for the future. Manure unpulverized = sweets administered to children in such hard and large balls as they cannot swallow. It is as bad as not given.
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Do you want to unite the Hindus and Mahomedans or to bring about any other reform? No Chemistry could effect that combination except through Heat or any other reagent which puts them into the nascent state. (Urdu word) alone could effect a change. It is this Agni which carries offerings, (or our Will) to the Devas i.e., the universal Powers or the Indriyani of all. This is meant by the God. Fire in the Vedas Agnirdevata.
Exaggeration is the courtesy which fancy pays to the unknown. Wonder is the mother of knowledge.