Gospel of Sri Ramana (Surpassing Love And Grace)
When you do not know about yourself why do you try to know about God? First try to know yourself then you will be able to know everything about God.
When you do not know about yourself why do you try to know about God? First try to know yourself then you will be able to know everything about God.
. One day, I remember, there was a talk in the darshan hall about the potencies of the avatara-hood, the special incarnation of God, when Sri Bhagavan remarked, without a vestige of self-glorification, that an avatara was only a partial manifestation of Iswara, the Creator, whereas the jnani, the Self-realised man was Brahman Itself.
” Peace is our Nature (Swabhava). Just like a person who keeps a number of things in a room and complains that there is no space in the room, we say there is no peace. Is not the space obtained automatically when the things are removed?”
“Self-enquiry is certainly not an empty formula; it is more than the repetition of any mantra. If the enquiry ‘Who am l?’ were a mere mental questioning, it would not be of much value. The very purpose of Self-enquiry is to focus the entire mind at its source. It is not, therefore, a case of ‘I’ searching for another ‘I’. Self-enquiry is the one infallible means, the only direct one, to realize the unconditional absolute Being that you really are.”
“Delve down into That which only is, for when you achieve this you find ‘That am I’; there is and can be nothing else than That. When you see this, all the trappings of maya and make-believe fall off, even as the worn-out slough of the snake. So all that you have to do is to get to this I, the real I behind your seeming I, for then you are rid forever of the illusive ‘I-ness’ and all is attained, since you stay thenceforward at one with That which is you; that’s all.”