Seekers And “Seekers” (Surpassing Love And Grace)

The ‘Seekers’ do not seem to have learned the meaning of humility, which is the foremost virtue of a sadhaka. For the mind turned bright by its own purity cannot but rightly assess the difficulties of the task ahead and the relentless fight to be put up in the ups and downs of the long and arduous road. A pure seeker allows no outward appearance to cloud his judgement, but gratefully seeks the help of senior and more experienced sadhakas.

Portrait of The Guru (Surpassing Love And Grace)

We never had a dull time when we were in Bhagavan Ramana’s presence. There was much mirth and laughter. Bhagavan used to talk as much as would be necessary and he would be gay or grave as the occasion demanded. Some people write that Bhagavan never spoke and such writings may surprise those who stayed in the Ashram for a while. When anyone put a question, he would answer. He narrated the lives of saints and his own reminiscences whenever he was requested to.