There is Nothing Without

Umadevi, a Polish lady had travelled in Kashmir and brought some photos which were shown to all in the old hall. Bhagavan humorously remarked, “We have seen those places without the trouble of travelling.” A devotee thereby said, “I wish to go to Kailas.”

Saint Appar

This part is taken from Periapuranam in “Spiritual Stories” as Told by Ramana Maharshi Appar was born in a village called Tiruvamur in the Thirumunaipadi region of a Vellala family of Saivaites. His father’s name was Pugazhanar and mother’s...

Sambandhar and Appar

This part is taken from Periapuranam in “Spiritual Stories” as Told by Ramana Maharshi While on a pilgrimage, the twelve-year old Sambandhar and Appar reached Vedaranyam. The main gate of the Vedaranya temple was found locked. It seems that long ago the...

Pilgrimage to Sri Arunachala

“Oh! That! He followed the path of devotion, didn’t he? Therefore he had golden bells and a pearl palanquin and other symbols of that nature according to the injunctions of Iswara. He also had a Mutt (an establishment) and all that a Mutt requires,” said Bhagavan.

The Lord is Within Me

This part is taken from Periapuranam in “Spiritual Stories” as Told by Ramana Maharshi The Madhura King Pandyan was inclined towards Jainism. His wife was the daughter of the Chola King and was attached to Saivism. She had heard of the great saint Jnana...

Mother’s Blessings

This part is taken from Periapuranam in “Spiritual Stories” as Told by Ramana Maharshi Sambanandha was born in an orthodox brahmin family in the town of Sirkali, to Sivapada Hridayar and his wife Bhagavatiyar. One day, when the boy was three years old, the...