MP3 audio track of Sivoham discourse in Malayalam by Sri Nochur Venkataraman can be listened directly from this page, or downloaded and shared with others.
Sl No.? | Size (MB) | Duration (Minutes) | Download? | Listen |
1 | 19 MB | 83 Minutes | Download? | [audio:] |
2 | 19.2 MB | 84 Minutes | Download? | [audio:] |
3 | 6.5 MB | 28 Minutes | Download? | [audio:] |
A greatest treasure we have now and all these days we had failed to learn and benefit from them. We are all extremely very lucky and blessed to live now and live to see and hear such Mahans of great wisdom like Sri Nochur Venkararaman.
Let us pray for a long healthy life for the wonderful service he renders and we shall also do a bit to propagate this to more and more people and make the world a happier and peaceful place to live. My hearty congrats and blessings
to you.
-rs krishnan
Thank you sreyas.Sri nechur’s discourse instantly transports one to ones own inner SELF.
Almighty has come in in his form to make possible. Satsangas at ones own place ALL HIS