The venomous snake, which is the symbol of all that is most detested and detestable in the animal kingdom, never closes its eyes.
Only in our sleep are the weapons forged with which we can contend the evil.
Our existence begins in sleep. The foetus sleeps almost continuously and the infant sleeps more hours than it is awake.
After nature has ascended to our plateau of life, represented by day, she will surely not tumble down into the valley because rest is needed, but will pitch her tent and make her couch on that elevation.
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We have as little right to infer that the object of sleep is for us to enjoy a pleasing state of inactivity and insensibility, as that the final purpose of hunger is to secure us the gratification of the palate or the final purpose of sexual attraction is to gratify sensuality.
Through stimulants we borrow today the strength of to-morrow, thus speedily to become hopelessly indebted to nature, the most inexorable of creditors.
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We cannot know a religion, Science, art or person unless we love.
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Strong ideas expel weaker ones from the mind.
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Learn to look straight, see the Portia and not the Pleader. The same who gave the ring comes as the pleader to take the ring.
“The Koran was sent to reform the conduct of men, but men thought only of embellishing its leaves”.
“Labour not for the work which perisheth” heals the work-disease “Busy-freedom.”
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There is no class of beings that really get so much genuine praise as children, and simply because they do not want it at all consciously. But the face of a child expects a smile as much as a flower does the Sun.
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One who wants to be praised for doing as he knows is right, is a robber, for he wishes to be paid twice, as if it were quite the unusual thing to be what is right.
Hypnotic state/heightened suggestibility – this is caused as in irritability, lost balance.
People are hypnotized by money into consciousness of limitation as when they are seen excited by a loss of possessions.
Monoideism, concentration of the consciousness, whether induced by strong emotion, excitement of the senses is Hypnosis.
Why does subjective mind carry out the will of others? Because (it is) one with others.
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To the query “Where are you?” the subject often -replies; “In your eyes.” Cf Upanishad.
The concentrating of attention upon the coming trance induces that trance the quickest as a rule.
No sooner is the nervous energy of a plexus of central ganglia set free than at once it tends to discharge itself into some kind of action, of movement. Afferent; Efferent.
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Every impression has a motor tendency, which if not counteracted by other impressions, must fatally result in some action.
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The sense-knowledge will tend to translate itself into Vishaya unless counteracted by the living knowledge of consequences (cause and effect) (fire, burning, Snake, bite; Gravitation, hurt). This knowledge of consequences may be dwelt upon by Instructors, but is thoroughly acquired by experience. Outside authority (is) of very little good.
A person imbued with a living knowledge of such invariable relation of cause and effect as operating in daily conduct is in a fit frame of unwavering mind to apply himself to the study of Universal Truth (Vedanta).
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When God-consciousness comes, then is acquired true Purity, perfect Sinlessness. As to how purity is gained, continuous impressions as to Truth, naturally result in purity.
Whenever the Knowledge Impression is clear and strong, we cannot help; except if the body is sick, or sense-objects retain their distracting force.
For a beginner, health of body and mind need to be more emphasized. But in advanced cases the knowledge ought to be rendered really clear and strong, everything else will follow suit.
In post-hypnotic suggestion the memory of the previous impression is not necessary.
Why should the lack of memory of previous incarnations be urged as an objection against Reincarnation?
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The basis, field and plane of engagement of the mental forces is clearly revealed in the Suggestible – Subjective self. It is nothing more than (Urdu word) being moved by the suggesting (Urdu word).
Sakshatkar – This (Urdu word) or (Urdu word) disappearing in Will or consciousness.
In Hypnosis the wakeful Forces are inhibited, new forces being set to work through suggestion.
Hypnosis = building the Karana Sarir (causal body)
Sakshatkar = destroying the Karana Sarir (causal body), Waking up.
Hypnosis = shuts off objective mind or intellection.
Sakshatkar = assimilates and digests it.
Hypnosis = sub-consciousness.
Sakshatkar = hyper-consciousness.
Hypnosis = passive.
Sakshatkar = active.
Hypnosis = inhibits the inhibitory nerve-centres
(cortical ganglion cells).
Sakshatkar = discriminates and vivifies those cells.
Hypnosis = solid.
Sakshatkar = gaseous, objective mind = liquid
Hypnosis = loss of memory: limitation: dependence
Sakshatkar = freedom.
So called Hypnosis = chaos; falling from its complex bondage of (Urdu word) to more simple.
Sakshatkar = order, freedom from bondage by crossing the (Urdu word)
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Dissociation is the secret of hypnosis and amnesia is the ripe fruit.
When the hypnosis is deep, it is known as somnambulism.
Incomplete Hypnosis is accompanied by a greater or lesser degree of memory (alert state) being known as the Mnesic state.
Complete Hypnosis is with no memory, the Amnesic state (deep state).
The heart of the problem of Hypnosis lies not in consciousness but in will.