(Taken from original manuscripts)

15th September, 1903.

Dearest “good boy” or sweetest baby kamala,

You are pure, faultless, and Holy of holies. No blame, no spot, no taint of worldliness, no fear, no sin. Aren’t you such, darling?

If you never mind, you might put into verse the following things. The attempt to do so will keep you on blessed heights.

These are translated from a Persian poem that Rama wrote this morning. You might versify them while in Portland or Denver. Just suit yourself.

You have every right to modify the ideas.

1. Rage wild and surge and storm, O ocean of Ecstasy, and level you down the Earth and heavens. Drown deep and shatter and scatter all thought and care. O! What have I to do with these?

2. Come, let us drink deep and deeper still. O dead drunk I we weed out the sense of division, pull down the walls of limited existence, and set at large That Unveiled Bliss.

3. Come, madness Divine, quick, look sharp, alack the delay! My mind is weary of the flesh, O! let the mind sink, sink in Thee; spare it prompt, from the consuming oven.

4. Set on fire the meum and tuum; cast to the four winds all fear and hope; eliminate differentiation; let the head be not distinguished from the foot.

5. Give me no bread, give me no water, and give me no shelter or rest, Love’s precious parching Thirst! O Thou alone art enough to atone the decay of millions of frames like this.

The western sky doth seem to glow
So beautifully bright;
Is it the Sun that makes it so?
Surely it is thy light.

Your Own Self



Copy of a letter sent to Rat Sahib Baij Nath


27th March, 1906.

Most blessed divinity,

Peace like a river is flowing to me,
Peace as the breezes is blowing to me,
Peace like the Ganges flows –
It flows from all my hair and toes.
Let surging waves of oceans of peace
Leave all the hearts and heads and feet!
Om Joy! Om Bliss! Om Peace!

This Ashram is above the snowline. A beautiful stream, called Vasishta Ganga flows just below Rama’s cave. There are five or six waterfalls in the stream. Natural basins are carved out of the hard rocks in the river valley by Shiva’s own hands, forming about twenty lovely little tanks. The hills are covered with those true, light – loving, hardy giants of the forest whose green does not fade even when more than six feet of snow accumulates about them. They are certainly worthy of the great Banamali’s kindness and love.

असुं पुरः पश्यसि देवदारुं पुत्रो कृतोऽसौ ऋषभध्वजेन

These oak hearted, green shouldered children of Mahadev are the only companions of Rama. Even Narayana Swami was sent away to the plains not to visit Rama again before at least two years. A young man comes every day, cooks food, and leaves to spend the night in some adjoining village – the nearest village being over three miles distant.

Half a mile walk up the hill takes Rama to the top of this mountain (Basun) where the sacred glaciers of Kedar, Badri, Sumeru, Gangotri, Yamnotri, and Kailas are within sight.

The spot is described at length in the Kedar khand. Such was the place selected for Ashrampada by the author of Yoga Vasishta. Happily, no town or road is near here yet. Ask not about the ecstasy of Rama. The overflowing rapturous peace will be revealed by Rama’s chief work which will go down to the plains for publication some years hence. Let none visit Rama till then, please. God is the only reality.

Your Prayag Kumbh lecture was just masterly. One copy was presented by Rama to the Maharaja of Tihri. Dear, listen, Vedanta is no cant, and this world is nought. He perishes who feels it to be real. God is the only reality. Yes, yes, yes, yes.



Copy of letter sent to Rai Bahadur Raij Nath.

End of June, 1906.

All the caves near the top of the Basun Mountain, being engaged by the annual guests, i.e., the season rains, Rama had to quit the Garden of Fairies on the top. He came down to a most lovely, lofty, level lawn where breezes keep playing all along. Jasmine white and yellow, grows wild here together with various other sister flowers. Strawberries and another variety of sweet-berries crimson rose-berries are found in ripe plenty. On one side of the newly – built hut, a neat greensward extends far in gradually ascending slope between two rushing streams. On another side is a charming landscape, flowing waters, fresh foliage – covered hill, and undulating fields and forests. Clean, smooth slabs of stone on the lawn form the royal tables and seats for Rama. If shade be needed, cherry groves give ready welcome.

In three hours a hut was prepared by shepherds, living in the forest. They made it rainproof to the best of their power. At night rain – storm set in. Every two or three minutes lightning flashed, followed by rolling thunder, at which each time the mountains shook and trembled. This Indra’s पवि (weapon) kept up its continual strokes for over three hours. Water poured madly. The poor hut leacked; its resistance to the storm became so ineffective that an umbrella had to be kept open all the time under the roof to save the books from being drenched. The clothes became all wet. The ground, being grass – covered, could not turn muddy; yet it was drinking “to its fill the water drops drizzling from the roof. Rama is enjoying very nearly the Matsya (fish) and Kacchapa (tortoise) life. This experience of acquatic life for the night brings joy of its own. Blessed is the storm to keep us up in the Lord’s company ail night.

An Urdu Couplet is quoted here”

Translation – Count one night less from the full span of your life and sleep not at all.

Man was not meant to waste most of his time in petty fears and cautions of the kind. “How shall I live?”, “Oh! what shall become of me!”, and all such foolish nonsense. He ought to have at least as much Self – respect as fishes, birds, and even trees have. They grumble not at storm or sunshine, but live as one with nature. O! I myself am the pouring rain. I flash, I thunder; how beautifully awful and mighty am I! Shivoham songs gush forth from the heart.

An Urdu Couplet is quoted here”

Rig Veda (Mandala VII)

महेचन त्वाद्रिवःपरा शुल्काय देयाम् ।
न सहस्राय नायुताय वज्रिणो न शताय शतामघ ॥

Not for any price could I, O mountain mover, give thee up, not for a thousand, Thunderer! Nor ten thousand, nor hundred times that, O Lord of countless bounty!

यच्छक्रासि परावति यदर्वावति वृत्रहन् ।
अतस्त्वा गोभिर्धुगविन्द्र केशिभिः सुतावां अविवासति ॥

Whatever be the विनियोग and application as given by Sayanacharya etc., to Rama the Richa conveys this.

Sense – Whether, O Shakra (Almighty) thou be far, (i.e., in roaring clouds – dyuloka); or, O Vritra – slayer (doubt destroyer), near at hand (in blowing winds, antariksha) here, heaven – penetrating songs (piercing prayers) are being sent as long maned steeds (for thee to ride on and) come sharp to one who has pressed out the juice (of his existence for Thee). Soma Come, sit in my heart and partake of the wine of my life.

When viewed from the stand point of God – self, the whole world becomes an effusion of beauty, an expression of joy, out-pouring of bliss. When limitation of vision is overcome, there remains nothing ugly for us. The powers of nature become actually our hand and feet or other senses.

As Self is Anand and is the All, therefore Self-realization means Realization of my own self as Supreme Bliss crystallized into the whole world.

The Universe, being an embodiment of my own Self, is sweetness incarnate. What shall I blame? What shall I criticize? O joy! It is all I.

An Urdu Couplet is quoted here”

The spiritual Law about privations and success, how beautiful the Veda enunciates it: Let anybody in his heart of heart believe in anything whatsoever as real – i.e., fit object of trust—and inevitably he must be forsaken or betrayed by that object. This is a law more stern than the Law of Gravitation. The only Reality Atman brings home to us the delusion of seeing anything else as real.

No wonder at the gate
Can keep the Gnani in;
But like the Sun o’er all
He will the castle win,
And shine along the wall
He waits, as waits the sky,
Until the clouds go by,
Yet shines serenely on
With an eternal day,
Alike when they are gone,
And when they stay

So long as any sort of desire clings to a person, he cannot realise sivoham bliss. But

यदा सर्वे प्रमुच्यन्ते कामाऽस्य हृदि श्रिताः ।
अथ मर्त्यॊऽमृतो भवत्यत्र ब्रह्म समश्नुते ॥श्रुतिः॥



February 22, 1905

Most blessed dear divinity,

What a splendid weather where Rama is. Every day a New Year day and every night a Christmas right. The blue heavens are my cup and the sparkling light my wine.

I am the light air in the hills, I creep down into the towns and cities – fresh and pervading through all the streets I pass.

Him I touch and her I touch and you I touch – such is my playful amusement.

I am the Light, lovingly I feed my children – the flowers and plants. I live in the eyes and hearts of the beautiful and the strong.

Stay with Me, then I pray;
Dwell with Me through the day
And through the night and where
it is neither night nor day,
Dwell quietly. Pass, pass not anymore.
Thou canst not pass.
I too am where thou art;
I hold thee fast;
Not by the yellow sands nor the blue deep,
But in my heart, thy heart of hearts

By living in the Light of lights the way opens up of itself. The accurate working of details takes place spontaneously (like the opening up of the closed petals of a rose – bud when the genial light of Devotion and divine Wisdom shines free.

It is hoped you received the January issue of the Thundering Dawn from Puran, Sutarmandi, Lahore.

Your Own Self,

In the January issue your poems have been published under the name Kamala Nanda which is a full Swami name.

When you send any fresh contributions, they will appear under the name “Ohm’ if you like.

Love, Blessings, Joy, Peace to dear blessed Girja and all.

OM! OM!! OM!!!



From the intense, clear, star – sown vault of heaven, Over the lit sea’s unquiet way,

In the rustling night – air came the voice,
“Wouldst thou be as they are? Live as they,
“Unaffrighted by the silence round them,
Undistracted by the sights they see.
These demand not that the things without them,
Yield them love, amusement, sympathy.
“And with joy the stars perform their shining,

And the sea its long moon – silvered roll;
For self poised they live, nor pine with noting,
All the fever of some differing soul.
“Bounded by themselves and unregardful
In what state God’s other work may be
In their own tasks, all their powers pouring
These attain the mighty life you see.”

Lahore, India, 25th July, 7905.



Rama is in the dense forests of Northern Himalayas and his last letter is as follows, which will convey all about Rama in a nutshell.

“Day passes into night, and night again turns into day, and here is your Rama, having no time to do anything. Busy, very busy in doing nothing. Tears keep pouring, vying well with the continuous rains of this the most rainy district; the hair stand on ends, the eyes wide open seeing nothing of the things before them. Talk stopped, work stopped unfortunately? No, most fortunately. Oh! Leave me alone.

This continuous wave after wave of inarticulate ecstasy. O Love! Let it go on. O! The most delicious pain.

Away with writing!
Off with lecturing!
Out with fame and name!
Honours! Nonsense
Disgrace! Meaningless
Are these toys the end of life?.
Logic and Science, poor Bunglers I
Let them see me and have cured their blindness.
In dreams, a sacred current flows,
In wakefulness it grows and grows,
At times, it overflows the banks
Of senses and the mortal frame.
It spreads in all the world and flows.
It inundates in wild repose.
For this, the Sun, he daily rose,
For this the Universe did roll,
All births and deaths for this
Here comes surging wonder
Undulating Bliss.
Here comes rolling laughter, Silence.




Denver, Colorado.

When people set their heart on anything and meet with obstacle, there do they get ruffled and upset. The cause of agitation and disturbance without exception is the tendency to resist the seeming Evil. Thus, don’t you think Christ had his head level when he said, “Resist not Evil”? Keep yourself calm, perfectly happy, and receive with good cheer whatever appears to be opposing the current of your desire. When we don’t lose our balance and remain centred in Self, Rama has always seen through personal experience that the seeming evil turns into good. Don’t you remember how those Rs. 10 were sent to a Hindu student after a seeming evil? But by distemper and disquietude we shut out upon ourselves the gate of all the blessings, noble thoughts and happy pieces of fortune that might be awaiting us. Overcome all evil and difficulties by a mind carrying the body and worldly life on the palm of its hand, in other words, by giving a mind full of love than which there is no higher force. Om!

Your own dear Self



Denver, Colorado.

You are constantly remembered by Rama. OM! OM!!

You are so sincere, pure, noble, earnest, faithful, and very good! Are you not?

1.To compare or contrast one person with another in the mind

2.To compare oneself with anybody else mentally

3.To compare the present with the past and brood over the memory of past mistakes

4.To dwell upon future plans and fear anything

5.To set our heart on anything but the one Supreme Reality

6.To depend on outward appearances and not to practically believe in the inner Harmony that rules over everything

7.To jump up to the conclusions from the words, or seeming conduct of people and to rest thoroughly satisfied with faith in the Spiritual Law

8.To be led astray too far in conversation with the people

It is this that breeds discontent in people’s mind, Therefore shun these eight sources of trouble. Om!

Your Own Noble Self


MUZAFFARNAGAR, J 8th October, 1905.


Ashes smeared to the hands wash clean the skin.

So, thrice blessed are physical ailments, when they rub away along with themselves the skin-consciousness.

O welcome illness and pain!

So long as a dead carcase is left in the house, there is every danger of all kinds of pest; when the corpse is removed, health reigns supreme. Just so, as long as body consciousness is cherished, we invite every malady in the world. Burn away the body and its bearings, and immediately we enjoy unrivalled Sovereignty.

Hurrah! Hurrah!
No jealousy, no fear;
I’m the dearest of the dear.
No sin, no sorrow;
No past, no morrow.

The learned Mahatmas with hair splitting heads and prominent bellies,
The spectacled Professors astonishing the innocent students in the laboratory or the observatory,
The bare – headed orators striking dumb their audiences from their pulpits or platforms,
Even the poor rich full of complaints of one iind or another –

All these I am.
The heavens and stars,
Worlds, near and far,
Are hung and strung
On the tunes I sung;
No rival, no foe!
No injury, no woe!
No, nothing could alarm me,
No, nothing alarm me
The Soul of all,
The nectar – fall,
The Sweetest Self,
Yea! Health itself
The prattling streams,
The happiest dreams,
All myrrh and balm,
Ravan and Rama,
So pure, so calm,
Am I, am I.





30th August, 1905.

Most blessed dearest one,

For three months Rama was on the summit of a mountain (about 8000 ft.) opposite the world’s highest mountain, viz., Mt. Everest. Day after tomorrow will go down to the plains. Five books have been written here and twenty books read.

Rama’s mind is brimful of joy and peace.

The world has as it were entirely vanished from the mind,

God, God alone
Everywhere I
Within, without
Far and near!
O Joy!
Thrilling peace!
Undulating Bliss!
What a heaven!
Peace! Blessings! Love!

Health spiritual, mental, and physical, and all that is good to Girja, Ohm, Champa, and others dear to you.

Peace immortal falls as rain drops.
Nectar is dropping in musical rain.
Drizzle! Drizzle! Drizzle!

My clouds of glory, they march so gaily!
The worlds as diamonds drop from them.
Drizzle! Drizzle I Drizzle!

My breezes of Law blow rhythmical, rhythmical.
Lo! Nations fall like petals, leaves.
Drizzle! Drizzle! Drizzle!

My balmy breath, the breeze of Law,
Blows beautiful! Beautiful! Some objects swing and sway like twigs,
And others like the dewdrops fall.
Drizzle! Drizzle! Drizzle!

My graceful light, a sea of white,
An ocean of milk, it undulates.
It ripples softly, softly, softly;
And then it beats out worlds of spray!
I shower forth the stars as spray!
Drizzle! Drizzle! Drizzle!




District Ajmer, India.

JOY! Joy! Joy!
Peace! Blessings! Love!

Dearest most blessed self,

On the bank of a calm, clear, and deep, deep lake Rama lives. A long, even – sized, continuous hill lies stretched on one side, wearing a beautiful green shawl all over. Mango groves abound here. There are two little flower gardens in the house where Rama lives. Flights of gorgeous peacocks keep screaming from their metallic throats. Ducks are playfully swimming and diving in the lake. Narayana Swami (the beautiful young man of whom Rama may have spoken to you) is here helping Rama in copying his writing etc.

This lake is called the Earth’s eye. The wooded hills and cliffs are its overhanging brows. It is a mirror which no stone can crack, whose quicksilver will never wear off, a mirror in which all impurity presented to it sinks, swept and dusted by the Sun’s hazy brush – this the light dust cloth.

This lake is one of the highest characters Rama has met; how well it preserves its purity! It has not acquired one wrinkle after all its ripples. It is perennially young.

Let such be our hearts.


In summer Rama moves up to the cool Himalayas.

The western sky doth seem to glow
So beautiful bright;
Is it the Sun that makes it so?
Surely it is thy light.

Here do –

Birds hang and swing, green-robed and red,
Or droop in curved lines dreamily,
Rainbows reversed from tree to tree;
Or sing low hanging overhead,
Sing soft as if they sing and sleep,
Sing low like some distant waterfall,
And take no note of us at all,

The Thundering Dawn is restarted. Four new lumbers have already been out. The January issue is ilmost entirely from Rama’s pen. Some of Kamala’s poems have also been given under the name of Kamala Nanda.

No letter from Kamala is received in India. Peace, Blessings, Love from

Your Own Self



Joy, Joy, Joy and Love to Girja.

You must be ready at the right time to come to Rama. Rama will write when the time comes.


SHASTA SPRING, July 22,1903

Dear blessed Champa (Flora),

Perhaps you would not like to be addressed that way. But whether you do or not, Rama feels inclined to call you by that name. In the East Indian’s (Hindu’s) language every name has a remarkable significance, and the name Champa (usually given to girls of noble and high families,) literally means sweet – scented, full blown white Jessamine.

This name naturally and spontaneously occurred to Rama just when the pen was handled to write this letter. It can be written – Champa or Chumpa.

The other day a long letter was dictated to Kamala (Pauline) in answer to all your queries. Did you receive the letter from her? It contained also some recent poems of Rama.


1. Vedantic Religion may be summed up in the

single commandment – Keep yourself pefectly happy and at rest, no matter what happens – sickness, death, hunger, calumny, or anything. Be cheerful and at peace on the ground of your Godhood to which thou shalt ever be true.

2. The world – its inmates, relations, and all are

vanishing quantities if you please to assert the majesty of your real Self.

Inspect, observe, and watch or do anything; but do all that in the light of your True S<jlf, that is to say, forget not that your Self is above all that and beyond all want.

You really require nothing. Why should you feel a desire for anything? Do your work with the grace of a Universal Ruler, for pleasure, fun, or mere amusement’s sake. Never, never feel that you want anything.

3. When you live these principles of Vedanta,

spontaneously will the sweet aroma of Truth proceed in all directions from you.

Before falling asleep – when the eyes begin to close – every night or noon make a firm resolve in your mind to find yourself an embodiment of Vedantic Truth on waking up.

When you wake up, before doing anything else just bring to your mind vividly the determination dwelt upon before falling asleep.

Whenever you can, just chant or hum to yourself OM.

This way like a true, genuine Champa you will be shedding delicious fragrance and charming glory all around you all the time.

Loud outcries and wounds which once would hurt and smart,
Now sound so sweet – like hymns of praise or music’s balmy art.
O thief, O slanderer, robber dear!
Look sharp, come, welcome, quick, O don’t you fear.
My self is thine, thine is mine,
Yes, if you don’t mind,
Please take away these things you think are mine.
Yes, if you think it fit,
Kill this body at one blow,
Or sky it bit by bit,
Take off the body and all you may,
Be off with name and fame, away!
Takeoff, away!
Yet if you look just turning round,
‘Tis I alone am safe and sound.
Good day! O dear, Good day!




The true way to bring about Vedantic Socialism is to enjoy our Now and Here, irrespective of wealth or poverty, to such a degree that the rich may feel their poverty before us, and rise above their sense of possession. The greatest mistake made by the present day Socialists is that they envy the drop of sea–spray possessed by the so called wealthy, instead of pitying their burden.

Those who have a mind to enjoy can enjoy the diamonds shining in the brilliant star – lit skies, can derive abundance of pleasure from the smiling forests and dancing rivers, can reap inexhaustible joy from the cool breeze, sunshine and moonlight freely placed at the service of each and all by Nature.

Those who believe their happiness depends upon particular conditions, will find the day of enjoyment ever recede from them and run away constantly like will – o – the – wisp. The so – called wealth of the world instead of being a source of happiness only serves as an artificial screen to shut out the glory and aroma of all Nature – heavens and free scenery.

There is no artificial music which can ever come up to the natural flow of one’s own feelings whether in the form of silent tears or solitary laughter, or lonely dabbling in poetry.

All artificial music and especially phonographic music being heard over and over again ultimately jars on the ears and brings down the Soul to the material plane.

Why should we quarrel over an equal distribution of stones and pebbles?

Kamala can well afford to let the so called rich people make fools of themselves in claiming an exclusive possession of the disease called wealth.


(To continue for some years yet)

The moon is shining, spreading a sea of silvery peace. The moonlight falls full on Rama’s straw bed. The shadows of unusually tall rose – bushes, which grow fearlessly free on this mountain, are checkering the moon – lit bed, and flickering so playfully as if they were nice little dreams of the placid moonlight that sleeps so tranquilly before Rama.

Sleep, baby, sleep,
And smile with rosy dreams.

Beautiful, sacred glaciers stand so close as if one could reach them by hand. In fact, a semicircle of glaring diamond peaks like a jewelled tiara decorates this abode. The white snowy peaks are all taking a bath in the milky ocean of moonlight and their deep Soham breathings in the form of cool breezes reach here continually.

The snows on this mountain have all melted off and by this time the vast open field on the top where Rama lives is completely covered with blue, red, yellow, and white flowers, some of them being very fragrant. People are afraid of coming here as they believe this place to be the garden of fairies. This idea save the place from being haunted by the sacrilegious spoilers of Nature’s beauty. Rama walks over this flower-land very softly, “with great caution, lest any tender, smiling, little child of nature be injured by Rama’s usual ungentle, tread. Cuckoos, doves, and numerous other winged songsters entertain Rama in the morning. Deep meditation, study of Vedic Scriptures, and writing on Philosophy and Religion keep Rama busy all the time in this lofty solitude. No village within eight miles. One servant lives at a distance of one mile, down the hill to prepare food for Rama. For many months Rama wrote or answered no letters of any kind, giving up all correspondence.

K and O need not hurry for India.

Everything will come out in due time beautifully without any impatience on our parts. Just live in God! As God.

Not the body, not the mind,
No relations, no connections,
Constitute your Self.
Nothing but God is,
Nothing but God is your Self.

Peace, Blessings, Joy to the most blessed Girja and Champa.

Ashtavakra Gita translated by a dear blessed friend of Rama is sent herewith under separate cover.

Let nothing be committed in the capacity of little self or personality.

Let us live as if the body, etc., never were (existed).

An ancient Vedic hymn is partly translated below, being originally composed by a Hindu lady.

4.By me, whoever sees, or breathes, or hears what

is said, eats food: they know it not, but are under my control. Listen one and all, verily it is so

8. I blow as the wind blows, taking hold of all worlds: past heaven, past earth: I am all might.

5.I am Law, the inevitable; I am Truth, the inexorable. I bend the bow for Nature that her arrow may smite down the people who live not God life.

Over heaven is my reign, over this mighty earth I stretch.

Prayers of mankind draw nigh me, like lowing cattle coming home from the forest in the evening.



Shanti Ashram – Edendale,
Los Angeles, California, U. S. A.

Dear and most blessed Puran,

O, the thrill of joy your letter brought me, it seemed, or was it true that the holy consciousness of our Rama pervaded the letter and my soul. Surely it is still true, as one of his letters said to me “Mother, Rama is always with you,” and to spirit there is no limitation, so do I believe, yea, am certain Rama is with Puran. How holy and peaceful has been this day, forerunner of that great Consciousness in your dear letter with this as you request! I will send some extracts of Rama’s letters to me. Also a few reminiscences of his sayings and doings. Always with loving impersonal attention to the least of us. This great illumined soul with the meekness of a child led our hearts and minds upward to meet our God, our own Divine Atma. O, the sweetness, the gentleness of that great Consciousness manifesting through the modern Rishi Rama. God was with us, and some of us knew it not, and still God is with us, and as the blessed Rama often said, “There is no death“ he is not far from those who have eyes to see or ears to hear. It was just beginning the year 1903 when I first met this great soul.

He was lecturing in San Francisco. I went to hear him reluctantly. But with his chant of OM my mind was lifted, my very being vibrated with a joy I never felt before. A heavenly, blissful peace illumined me.

And I never missed another opportunity to feed upon the bread of Life he so freely gave. He also made an appeal to Americans to help his people by going to India and living as one of them in their very families, Quite a number said they would go. But not one of them went. One day I said to him, “Swami Rama, for what you have done for me, what can I do for your people in exchange?” He said, “You can do a great deal if you will, but go to India.” “I will go,” I replied. But friends dissuaded and even derided me. Some said I was crazy to think of going, especially as I had not sufficient money to return. But Rama said, “If you really knew Vedanta, you would not fear, for you will find God in India the same as in America.” So did God the Divine Intelligent Principle of life prove his all sustaining power, through the tender, loving care of my beloved Hindu brothers and sisters, yea, my children. Yet five months elapsed before I fulfilled my promise to our blessed Rama and set sail for his native country. Alone I not knowing a person in that far off country, yet with Faith “leaning on the sustaining arm of the Infinite” as taught by Rama. I saw him last at Shasta Springs, California. I had but a few hours there before my train left for San Francisco. Never can I forget the day in those hills with snowy Mount Shasta towering above our heads. Similarly, two years and a half later I travelled several days’ journey through the Himalayas to Vyas Muni to bid this saint good – bye, as I was about to return to America. It is impossible to pen or relate that soul – stirring adieu. And the last, this great soul laid off the body a few months later.

Before setting sail for India, I received several letters from the blessed Rama who remained in Shasta for some time. He writes –


Shasta Springs, California.
8th October, 1903.

Most blessed divine mother,

…. Rama thoroughly appreciates every movement of yours. Rama is not selfish enough to misunderstand, nor is there any likelihood of Rama ever forgetting one who has become Rama in her love for India, Truth, and suffering Humanity. Surya means the Sun. (He gave me the name of Suryananda and so does Rama.) “Resist not evil” does not mean become a passive nonentity; no, not at all. The saying has no reference to the acts of the body. It is a commandment touching the mind, and mind alone, inculcating Peace of mind, Mental Resistance, opposition and revolt always bring about discord, irritation and worry, instead of “curling up,” and consequently unbalancing yourself overcome the seeming evil by Love (Sacrifice, or giving nature) than which there is no higher force.

“Resist not evil” and welcome events with the good cheer of a giver. Great souls never lose their balance. By preserving our calm we can always turn the stumbling blocks into stepping stones. Never, never should you let the feeling of helplessness cross your mind.

Just now the thought comes to Rama that on reaching India you should at your earliest convenience inquire about the whereabouts of Puran who must be somewhere in the Punjab. He is the Editor of the Thundering Dawn. No introductory letters are necessary for him.

Hoping you will immediately write to Rama after securing a berth.

Your own pure heroic self as

This letter was written to me when I was undergoing a great mental strain in regard to my contemplated journey to India, such opposition was raised against my going.



Shasta Springs, California
10th October, 1903.

Mother Dear,

Your dear letter with paper and envelopes to hand. 1 sent him a box of paper and envelopes. You will be accorded a hearty welcome when you step on that sympathetic soil (India). Rama has already written to India. In case you go there, you will find your name out-speeding you. You are welcome wherever you want to break journey. (In answer to a question he says,) “When we give ourselves up to levity, frivolity and jollity, by an invisible Law of “Nature we suffer from the reaction which depresses us low down. The wise man keeps his heart always at home, and interested only in the One Supreme Reality.

As to the things of the world, he attends to them in the disinterested, dispassionate, indifferent, and self possessed mood of a munificent princely giver.

This noble attitude is kept up in all active work. And in reference to passive experiences the free soul undergoes them all unaffected, unmoved, and in good cheer, vividly remembering all the time his native glory. “I am alone, the One without a second. The Sun is my semblance.” Constant meditation on your own real Surya (sun) character and applying it to every – day affairs of life makes yours the phenomenal Self, the highest manifestation of Love, Light, and Life. You will write to Rama before setting sail or embarkation. You should also write when you reach Japan and Hong Kong. Rama will be ever so glad to do anything for you in India.

Your noble, lovely self as



Shasta Springs, California,
October 16, 1903.

Most blessed noble Suryananda,

Both your letters came to Rama’s hands simultaneously this noon. All is well and satisfactory. As you are going on a long trip, it might prove beneficial for you to add a little more to your knowledge of human nature, and indelibly impress on your mind the importance of keeping ourselves perfectly collected, serene, and at home all the time. (There was a delay of a certain matter which gave me much uneasiness). The apparent delays and oppositions are all meant to add to your inner power and purity. Naturalists have decisively shown that no evolution or progress could ever take place had it not been for struggles and opposition.

Do you remember the story of Robert Bruce and the Spider?” Is not every grand discovery preceded by hundreds, nay thousands of unsuccessful attempts?” Early in the morning you would do well to spend about half an hour in repeating to yourself this Mantram (pardon Omission of Mantram). Be strongly instilling into your very nature the truth involved in this Mantram while repeating it. This kind of continual autosuggestion will make a thorough Sannyasin (Swami) of you.

You will please soon write as to what arrangements are made about your passage. With deepest love and sincerest regard,

Your Own Self


Shasta Springs, California.
October 21, 1903

Most Blessed Divine Suryananda,

Yours of yesterday just to hand.

O! What a happy news, sailing for India! At Hong Kong, if you call on Wossiamal Assomal (near the Clock Tower), you might delight the Hindu merchants by telling them about the happy state of Rama (Tirtha) Swami and your own noble mission.

The people to whom letters have already been given will furnish you satisfactorily with the information about all local matters. You need only start, everything else will run smooth enough afterwards. Bear one thing in mind. When you happen to visit the people of any sect, NEVER, never, never, you attend to, mark, or remember their criticisms of other parties. If you find any spirit of devotion, divine love, charity, or spiritual knowledge anywhere, take it up, absorb it, assimilate it, and have no time to pick up any body’s jealousy. Don’t notice their drawbacks and weaknesses.

Forget not to see Seth Sita Ram in Calcutta. You might also pay a visit whilst in Calcutta to the learned Editor of The Dawn, an unassuming, pure, self – denying, devoted, orthodox Vedantin. He also successfully carries on an educational and Boarding Institution. In Calcutta you could also enjoy the Sankirtan, devotional dance.

Mother India will receive you as always a loving mother does a returning child estranged for years and years. Adieu for the present. Rama is always with you.

Passage to India!
O! We can wait no longer!
We too take ship, O soul!
To you, we too launch out on trackless seas
Fearless for unknown shores, on waves of ecstasy To sail.
Amid the wafting winds
Carolling free – singing our song of God!
Chanting our chant of happy soothing OM!
Passage to India!
Sailing these seas, or on the hills, or walking in the night,
Thoughts, silent thoughts of Time and Space and
Death like waters flowing,
Bear me indeed as through the regions infinite
Whose air I breathe.
Bathe me, O God in Thee, mounting to Thee
I and my soul to range, in reach of Thee,
Passage to Mother India!
Reckoning ahead, O soul, when
Thou the time achieved,
The seas all crossed, weathered the capes, the voyage done,
Surrendered, copest, frontest, God,
Yieldest the aim attainedAs filled with friendship, Love complete,
The Elder Brother found,
The younger melts in fondness in his arms.
Passage to India
Are thy wings plumed indeed for such far flight
O soul, voyagest thou indeed on voyage like this?
Soundest below the Sanskrit and the Vedas?
Then have thy bent unabashed,
Passage to you, your shores, ye aged fierce enigmas,
Passage to you, to mastership of you, you,
Strangling problems.
Passage to mother India,
O secret of earth and sky!
Of you, O waters of the sea!
O winding creeks and Ganges!
Of you, O woods and fields! Of you O mighty Himalayas,
Of morning red! O clouds! O rain and snows,
O day and night, passage to you!
O sun and moon, and all ye stars, Sirius and Jupiter
Passage to you!
Passage, immediate Passage!
The blood burns in my veins!
Away O soul, hoist instantly the anchor
Cut the hawsers – haul out – shake out everything
Have we not stood here like trees in the ground long enough?
Sail forth, steer for the deep waters only,
For we are bound where mariner has not yet dared to go,
And we will risk the ship ourselves and all.
O my brave soul!
O father, father, sail,
O daring joy but safe,
O father, father, sail,
To your real Home.




Chicago, Illinois.
February 75, 1904.

Most blessed self,

Your numerous letters, the telegram, and all came duly to Rama’s hands. When there is but one Reality, who will thank whom? Rama is filled with joy, Rama is all joy. All the time Rama is all peace. Work flows from Rama. Rama doeth no work. Be thou the fragrant rose, and the sweet aroma will waft of itself all round from thee, me I me.

Do you feel yourself a Hindu with your whole heart? Do you realise their errors and superstitions as your own? Could you trust them as your own brothers and sisters? Did you ever forget your American birth and find yourself transfigured into a Hindu born? As Rama often sees himself a deep-dyed bigoted Christian. If so, wonderful work will emanate from you spontaneously!

Who are you? Who are you who go about to save the lost? Are you saved yourself?

Do you know that “whosoever would save his life, must lose it?” Are you then one of the lost? Could you, or would you be one of the lost? Arise then and be a saviour. Be a sinner – Realize your oneness with him, and you can save him. There is no other way but this one way of love, to conquer all.


Your Own Self as



Minneapolis, M. N., Il S. A.
April 3,1904.

Most blessed self,

Where are you? No letter was received from dear, noble mother after the happy New Year letter, written at Muttra. Peace, Peace, Peace comes from within. The kingdom of heaven is within alone. In books, temples, shrines, prophets, and saints – in vain, in vain the search after happiness. Your experience must have shown it by this time. If the lesson is once learnt, it is not dearly bought, no matter how much it costs. Sit alone, convert your very anguish into Divine Bliss, you may receive inspiring suggestions from books like The Thundering Dawn. Meditate on OM! And be a GIVER of peace to mankind and not an expectant seeker. Dear one, do you remember the last talk Rama gave you on the side of the Creek at Shasta Springs? It was – given not as a seeker, but as the perpetual giver of Light and Love. Our hearts break when we are in the seeking attitude. You must have verified the state of affairs in India as described in Rama’s Appeal to Americans. Read that Lecture once more, if you please. Don’t expect any immediate, ostensible results from your labour of love. “Be contented to serve,” says the spirit of Christ. We cannot receive any gift, benediction or reward higher than the privilege of serving. If you have not met Babu Ganga Prashad Varma, Editor of the Advocate, Lucknow, do please see him. Does your heart take more delight in sharing the sufferings of poor Hindus in India or in enjoying the comforts of life in America? (So much so) I want to be again in India.


Rama was one month in Portland, Oregon, one month in Denver, two weeks in Chicago, and a couple of weeks in Minneapolis. Vedanta societies are organized at these places. Free scholarships for poor Hindu students are secured at different Universities. From here Rama goes to Buffalo, N. Y. Thence to Boston, New York, Philadelphia, and Washington D. C. On June 29, 30, and March 1, Rama is to be at the meetings of the World’s Unity League, St. Louis. In July Rama is to be at Lake Geneva. In next fall Rama comes to London, England, Be not discouraged, mother dear. Look only at the sunny side of things. There is no rose without a thorn, good is not to be found in this unmixed world. The All Good is only the Self Supreme. If India had Vedanta (Truth) in practice what necessity would there have been for Appeal to America? When your heart is perfectly attuned to the Beauty of All, you will find everything glorious everywhere. Peace! Peace! Peace!

Central Bliss, Inner Joy forever and forever.

Your Own Self as



William’s Bay, Wis. Or Lake Geneva
July 8, 1904.

Most blessed divine self,

Your letters reached Rama. Thank you. Rama understands the situation through and through. Peace, joy, and success shall ever abide with thee. There is no fear, nor danger, nor difficulty of any kind for a pure soul having cast aside the sense of possession and desire. I stretch myself in the Universe, and rest free! free! The viper in the breast is the little “I”. Fling it aside, and all the world pays you homage. On Rama’s return from Minneapolis, a long, type written letter was mailed to your noble self for publication in the Practical Wisdom. The subject of the letter was Practical Wisdom. The first meeting of the World’s Unity League at St. Louis was opened under Rama’s presidency. In addition to Rama’s lectures at the Unity League, talks were also given under the auspices of the Theosophical Society and the Church of Practical Christianity at

St. Louis, besides some other places. Rama goes to

Chicago in a few days, thence to Buffalo, Lily Dale,

and Greenacre Maine, and leaves America in September or before.

Peace, Blessings, and Love to all.

Your Own Self



Jacksonville, Florida.
October 1, 1904.

Most blessed dear divinity,

Rama has not written anything to you for some time. It is because –

(1) Rama has been ever so busy,

(2) Wrote no letters to any person in India except the few letters for the Press,

(3) Knowing that you were in good hands Rama did not think letters from him needful,

(4) Since leaving Minneapolis Rama received no letters from you.

Peace, Blessings, Love, and Joy abide with you forever and ever.

In following your own inner voice truly, you can be false to no one. We owe nobody anything. Let our labour be the labour of love. To be ever sound and solvent should be our maxim.

Let everybody have his or her experience free. The only right we have is to serve and help our fellow – men in their onward march. But let the march be really onward and not a make – believe progress. When I help my friends in their spiritual retrogression, I fall myself with them. Whatever you do, wherever you are, Rama’s blessings and love are with you. Day after tomorrow Rama starts for New York. On 8th October most probably embarks on board Princess Irene for Gibraltar. It will probably be some time before reaching India, because there is likelihood of stopping at many places on the way.

Motto to remember and to practise: –

If you know anything unworthy of a friend, forget it.
If you know anything pleasant about the person, Tell It.

He sits high in all the people’s hearts and that which would appear offence in us.

His countenance, like richest alchemy, will change to virtue and to worthiness. The sun-like attitude of a fearless, continuous Giver, serving without hope of reward, shedding light and life out of free love, living in Divine radiance as God’s glory, above all sense of personality, exempt from selfishness, is Salvation and Redemption.

“I eat of the heavenly manna, I drink of the heavenly wine, God is within and around me, All good is forever mine.”

Your Own Self


(The following letter has no date)

“O the joy of the perusal of these precious letters! And to copy them gives a greater light, joy, holy, uplifted consciousness. Dear Puran, I know they will give you joy, and be a help to all to whom you in turn give. A complete copy it is impossible to give. The aura of the blessed divine master pervades the paper and all the lines he has penned, I treasure them above all else. The very presence of Rama is with ra3 when I read those gracious lines inspiring, yea illumining my mind and heart, until the soul’s brightness is perceptible, and my Atma, real Self Divine, is the only reality.



(The following letter was written on his arrival in India from America)

Joy! Joy! Joy!



Most blessed dear Mata,

Rama has been in Bombay five days and will soon come to Muttra. Lectures and engagements kept Rama busy all along. Rama is infinitely happy as usual. Rama is so glad to learn you are still in India. Wishing you perfect health, cheerful spirits, peaceful heart, and blissful mind, and hoping to see you in Muttra.

Yours in Self,



Ananda! Ananda! Ananda!

Dear Puran,

You know how we all met in Muttra. And of the meetings. What a Blessed! Blessed! Time was that.


February 14, 1905.

Most blessed dear mother divine,

A Graduate of the Bombay University, a beautiful young man, has offered his life to Kama’s work today. He will stay with Rama assisting in literary work. How good is Providence or dear God. It or He never deceives those who work in trust on Him.

Narayana Swami will soon be sent to lecture abroad.

The work in nooks and corners is as grand as the work in the bright centres. In a Persian wheel, the small tooth-like wooden support (called kutta in Hindustani) is just as important as the oxen. The whole mechanism cannot stand if the poor wooden support be taken off. Nay, every nail attached to the spokes is of paramount importance. What if children do not make use of such apparently small things. In the eyes of God, work, however humble, is just as grand when done in the spirit of Love. The puny dewdrop appears nothing before the glorious Sun, but the observant eye sees that this very tiny drop reflects the whole of the solar orb in its sweet little bosom. So, my blessed dear mother, soft, silent work in neglected quarters unknown to name and fame is just as noble and indispensable as loud noisy work which attracts the attention of whole mankind. I had been despondent over the little I seemed to be doing. “They also serve who only stand and wait.”The mother swathes the tender babe and when Time brings him to the University, the Professor lectures to the grown up boy, the mother’s role is not so high – flown and reputation – bearing as that of the Professor, Nevertheless the mother’s duty is far more sweet and important than the Professor’s. We cannot suffer the maternal lap and lullaby in childhood replaced by Professor’s room and lectures.

Vedanta requires a common coolie to look upon his humble labour to be just as important and sacred as that of a Christ or Krishna. When we move one leg of a chair, do we not move the whole chair? So when we raise or elevate one soul, we raise and ennoble the whole world through him, so rigid is the solidarity of Man.

“Bounded by themselves, and unregardful in what state God’s other work may be. In their own tasks all their pouring powers. These attain the mighty life you see.

O air-born voice! Long since severely clear,
A cry like thine in mine own heart I hear.

Resolve to be thyself; and know that he who finds Himself, loses his misery.


Joy! Joy! OM! Peace! Blessings! Love!




February 22, 1905.

Peace! Blessings! Love! Joy!

Most Blessed Divine Mother,

Your sweet heavenly letter received. It is indeed wonderful unison with God, and marvellous harmony with Love, to have such beautiful over the physical as blessed Suryananda has (I had been ill and healed by divine power, Love).

Om! Joy! Jai! Jai!

The poem you sent was very fine.

God moves in a mysterious way
His wonders to perform!
He plants His footsteps in the sea
And rides upon the storm.
Deep in unfathomable mines
Of never failing skill,
He treasures up His bright designs
And works His Sovereign Will.
Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take.
The clouds ye so much dread
Are big with mercy and shall break
In blessings on your head.
Behind a frowning Providence
He hides a smiling face.
The bud may have a bitter taste
But sweet will be the flower.

Yes, Sri Jyoti Swarupa is indeed a most blessed heavenly incarnation of goodness. He is so kind.

Your own Self as
Swami Rama Tirtha


Ajmer District
OM! Joy! Joy! OM! Peace.

Blessed mother divine,

Rama had been lying on the roof where you with him.

Lost in Divine consciousness, unconscious till your letter along with some letters was brought and placed in Rama’s hands. A long, hearty and happy laughter was sent to your blessed self, before opening the letter. OM! Peace! Peace! Peace! Dearest Mother, Rama sends you another peal of joyful laughter after reading your sweet letter.

Mother, you are all right every way, and Rama thoroughly understands your pure, sweet, tender gentle nature. Rama is writing—prose and some poetry—on different subjects according to God’s diction.

Babu Ganga Parshad Varma was to go out to other provinces in India, visiting the girl’s schools and watching the Female Education System abroad, with the view of introducing speedy Female Education Reforms in Lucknow and elsewhere. This work was entrusted to him by the Local Government. For this reason he could not come to see Rama before March. Rama probably won’t stay on the plains in the summer. Rama loves Kashmir and would highly enjoy your benign company and that of Rai Bhawani Das and other friends. Rama’s presence and talks would benefit innumerable hungry souls, if Rama could go with you to Kashmir. But, mother divine, the highest privilege that a person can enjoy is the continuous burning of the heart, mind, body and all at the altar of Truth and Humanity and this is the way acceptable to the Supreme Spirit in the form of the impersonal, unadulterated, small, still voice from within.

“If Duty calls to brazen walls,
How base the fool who flinches.”

Mother, consecrated life often is led by some mysterious Divine reason that cannot be analysed.

Rama may accompany you to Kashmir but nothing-definite can be said till the very moment of departure.

Your Own Self


March 9, 1905.

Most blessed dearest divinity,

Your prophecy about Rama’s coming has proved true so far that Rama has left Pushkar. Which way Rama goes from here, he leaves in the hands of the Supreme Providence (the Surya of Surya) to decide when the time comes. Two Lectures were delivered in Ajmer Town Hall. They are going to arrange for Lectures in the Town Hall at Jaipur. Puran has been to Pushkar, and wandered with Rama on the hills for two or three days. How sweet is Diljang Singh. People are coming in crowds to see Rama, and this must be closed. God and I!

All this day we will go together, the night ever insatiate of love we will sleep together and rise early and go forward in the morning wherever the steps shall lead, in solitary places or among the crowd, it shall be well. We shall not desire to come to the end of the journey nor consider what the end may be. Is not the end of all things with us already? OM! OM! OM!

Soon will Rama be beyond the reach of letters in forests, on hills, in God, in you. Don’t know when next you may hear from

Your Own Self


Peace, Blessings, Love betide thee forever,


Thursday Evening.

Most blessed dear mother,

Your prophecy has come out true and Rama is coming to Dehra and his Divine mother. But people out of extreme love stopped Rama at several places on the way. Lectures have been delivered at Alwar, Moradabad, Ajmer, and Jaipur. Rama stopped at Hardwar, parting company on the train with our beloved, blessed Babu Jyotis Swarupa. The people here have come to know about Rama’s presence, and they most lovingly implore Rama to prolong his stay. Rama also does not think it worthwhile to lose this opportunity to do what he can to improve the condition of the youthful Sadhus and others who are wonderfully receptive and hungry for anything proceeding from Rama. Work among the Sadhus, mother, is just what you wanted Rama to undertake, when we met at Muttra. Very lovely Swamis are taking in Rama’s teachings.

Rama went up to the temple of Chandi on the opposite side of the Ganges today. The temple lies on the top of a lovely little hill. The forest on that side of the river is very thick, and the scenery most picturesque. The view of the Ganges, as branching into scores of streams, and returning, is extremely beautiful. The Himalayan glaciers present a golden or diamond spectacle from the Chandi’s Temple,


Neither praise nor blame,
Neither friends nor foes,
Neither loves, nor hatred,
Neither body, nor its relations,
Neither home, nor strange land,

No! Nothing of this world is important. God is! God is real, God is the only reality.

Let everything go. God, God alone is the all in all. Peace immortal falls as rain drops. Nectar is dropping in the rain drops. Rama’s mind is full of peace. Joy flows from me.

Happy is Rama, and ever happy. Are you, dear mother. Peace I Blessings I Love! Joy! Joy! Om! Om! Om! Love, Blessings, joy to your pupils, hostess and host (Babu and Mrs. Jyotis Swarupa).

Your Own Self


July 5, 1905.

Most blessed dear self,

Rama’s letter sent about a week ago to your Mussoorie address may have reached your noble self before this. Rama cannot go to Kashmir this summer. So you may leisurely enjoy your pleasure trip to Kailas, Man Sarovar, and other places. In the picturesque mountain scenes, you will surely feel at home at the sight of landscapes reminding you of the scenes earlier in life in blessed America.

Rama is very happy!
In the floods of life, in the storm of deeds
up and down I fly,
Hither, and thither weave,
From birth to grave
An endless web,
A changing sea
Of glowing life,
Thus in the whistling loom of time
I fly weaving the living robe of Deity.


Your Own Self



August 70, 1905

Blessings! Love! Joy! Peace! Peace!

Most blessed dear mother,

Your letter was received a few days ago. But Rama has replied to no letters lately. Today are finished three very useful books that Rama has been writing in the vernacular for the people. How is your health now? Rama wishes you perfect health and strength.


To arrange for your passage to America is after all not a hard matter, but we want you to remain with us. Perhaps it is selfish, but you also love the people here. Are you sure that th6 feebleness of the physique is due only to the Indian climate, and return to America will certainly do you good? If so, none of us should insist on keeping you here. We should all help to see you arrive safely in California,

Peace! Heartfelt – Blessings! Love!

Hope this letter will see you in good health. OM!




Peace! Blessings! Love! Joy! Joy!

Most blessed dear divinity,

Perhaps you know already Rama is in the hills about a thousand miles from Mussoorie. Rama lives all alone in an old house belonging to the Bengal Forest authorities. Away from the railway line, removed from the Post Office, beyond reach of visitors and callers, surrounded by a scenery among the richest in the world, with beautiful rills, and springs running at short distance from it, and when the weather is fair, commanding a distant view of the world’s highest mountain, Mt. Everest. Even here fresh milk is brought to Rama by the mountaineers living in the woods. Walks in the woods and study fill up Rama’s time.

What are name, fame, ambitions, wealth, achievements and all when “man in the woods with God may meet”? Why should we catch and cherish the fever of doing?

Let us be divine. The morning breeze blows and is not anxious how many and what sort of flowers bloom. It simply blows on everything, and those buds that are full ripe to sprout, open their eyes. The dens of lions, the burning jungles, the dingy dungeons, the earthquake shocks, the falling rocks, the storms, battlefields and the gaping graves, if accompanied by God – consciousness in us, are far sweeter than pomp, honour, glory, thrones, luxurious retinue and all, when with these a man is not Himself in inner solitude one with the One without a second. Oh! the joy of the finished purpose, light steps going about making every step our goal, every night the bodily death, and every day our new life.”

Farewell, friends, and part,
The mansion universe is too small.
I and my love alone will play, Oh!
The joys of swimming together!
Together? No. The joy of swimmers
dissolved rolling as the ocean!

Joy! Joy!

Your Own Self


The following is also a portion and the last received by me. “Om! Peace! Peace! Disciple! Up! Untiring hasten to bathe thy breast in the morning red.”

“As journeys this earth, her eye on a Sun, through the heavenly spaces and radiant in azure, or – sunless swallowed in tempests.”

“Halters not, journeying equal sunlit, or stormgirt.
So thou, son of earth, who hast force, goal, and time, go still onward.”
“As the light of the sun in the rain mist,
As the stars reflect in the sea;
So what to my wonder seems vastest
Is but a reflection from me.
And ail things that my spirit revereth,
All grandeurs my heart would enshrine,
By command of the silence that heareth,
Already forever were mine.
All arguments may fail,
All formal creeds prove false,
Only the limping soul needs Logic’s crutches,
While to the pure in heart the very air breathes
And the very ground pulses with truth.
Nature and God within man’s heart are one.
Why should I pray? Since all things far and near
But answer to my spirit’s most needs.
I bring my joy, my gratitude, my love.
I enter into life fearless and confident,
I cleanse myself from every hateful thought,
I make my daily toil a song of praise.
I love the earth and feel its very life is part of me.
My only prayer is gladness which I love,
Why should I make appeal for help from some far
Since life is mine, since I am one with Him Who is my life




Dear Puran,

I am happy to share these precious letters. We were both Rama’s disciples. O mother India, my heart leaps to thee. Dear children, fail not to remember Suryananda.

The student of Thy modern Rishi is ever, ever mindful of thee. Let us awake out of this body of death, this Babylon of confusion. Let us return to our father’s house enriched with the experience of mortality. “Let the dead past bury its dead.” Let the dead present go on burying its dead. We will listen to the voice speaking in us, and not be ashamed of God. We will call ourselves by that one name, for we are born of God, Sexless and United in the “I am.”

Thou art the word of the Lord God and thou shalt endure forever. All Life is invisible.

“Only such as have ceased to see personality, can know the Infinity of Being.” The narrow – minded ask, “Is this one of our tribe (caste) but the twice-born (Born of Truth) are of noble disposition. The whole world is but one family” (Gita).

Light and Love are one. Thou art the self – illumi – nating one.

“Hatred stirreth up strife but Love covereth all sins.”
A man’s heart desireth his way. But the Lord directeth his steps.
“Memory’s records, sad though sweet, can lose their influence never!”

Dear Puran, I wish I might send money with this to publish all you desire.

I trust, dear Puran, that you will not defer answering this, as I shall want to know if you received it.

Love to your mother, to your wife, also kindly remember me to those who may enquire. I have written two letters to Babu Jyotis Swarupa since receiving any reply from him. What has become of Swami Shivgan Acharya? Please tell me if he is still at Muttra. If you see Dear Rama’s people or can send them word of Love for them, please do so. Thou knowest in the kingdom of Truth, Love, Wisdom. We are one! OM! OM! OM I Ever As Ever Mother.

Address Station M, Los Angles, California, U. S, A,


God bless our ancient Hind,
Ancient Hind, once glorious Hind,
From Sagar Island to the Sind,
From Kashmir to Cape Comorin,
May perfect peace e’er reign therein.
God bless our peaceful Hind,

Let all her sons in Love unite
And make them do their duty aright
Fill them with knowledge ever true
And let their virtue shine anew.

Your aid the country doth implore,
Give her a hearing, oh, once more,
National spirit in her do pour,
Extend her fame from shore to shore.
God bless once powerful Hind.

O Krishna of mighty deeds untold,
O Rama ever so brave and bold,
Forsake them not in evil days,
Unworthy though in many ways
God bless our helpless Hind.

Rama’s Lover.

(The following poem was read at a Farewell meeting held on the occasion of Swami Rama’s departure for India)

Like golden Oriole ‘neath the Pines
Rama chants to us his blessed lines.
Rich freighted with the Orient’s lore
He spreads it on our Western shore.
A bird of passage on the wing,
He brings a message from the King.
And this his clear resounding call
All, all for God and God for all!
His message given, he flits &far
Like swiftly coursing meteor,
But leaves of Heavenly fire a trace –
A new – born love for all his race.
Adieu! Sweet Rama, thy radiant smile
A soul in Hades would beguile,
And though we may not meet again
Upon this changing earthly plane,
We know to thee till good must be,
For thou art in God and God in thee.