From Volume 9 of the Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda – Letters – Fifth Series
9 June 1894
We are all doing very well here. Last night the sisters (The daughters of Mrs. Hale: Mary and Harriet.) invited me and Mrs. Norton and Miss Howe and Mr. Frank Howe. We had a grand dinner and softshell crab and many other things, and a very nice time. Miss Howe left this morning.
The sisters and Mother Temple (Mrs. James Matthews, Mr. Hale’s sister.>) are taking very good care of me. Just now I am going to see my “oh-my-dear” Gandhi.[6]* Narasimha was here yesterday; he wanted to go to Cincinnati where he says he has more chances of success than anywhere else in the world. I gave him the passage, and so I hope I have got the white elephant out of my hands for the time being. How is Father Pope doing now? Hope he has been much benefited by the mudfish business.[7]*
I had a very beautiful letter from Miss Guernsey of New York, giving you her regards. I am going downtown to buy a new pair of shoes as well as to get some money, my purse having been made empty by Narasimha.
Nothing more to write. Yes, we went to see the “Charley’s Aunt”.[8]* I nearly killed myself with laughing. Father Pope will enjoy it extremely. I had never seen anything so funny.
Yours affectionately,