From Epistles – First Series of Volume 5 of The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda

C/O Miss Dutcher,
Thousand Island Park, N. Y.
7th July, 1895.

Dear Friend,[1]

I see you are enjoying New York very much, so excuse my breaking into your reverie with a letter.

I had two beautiful letters from Miss MacLeod and Mrs. Sturges. Also they sent over two pretty birch bark books. I have filled them with Sanskrit texts and translations, and they go by today’s post.

Mrs. Dora[2] is giving, I hear, some startling performances in the Mahatma line.

Since leaving Percy[3] I have invitations to come over to London from unexpected quarters, and that I look forward to with great expectations.

I do not want to lose this opportunity of working in London. And so your invitation, coupled with the London one, is, I know, a divine call for further work.

I shall be here all this month and only have to go to Chicago for a few days sometime in August.

Don’t fret, Father Leggett, this is the best time for expectation — when sure in love.

Lord bless you ever and ever, and may all happiness be yours for ever, as you richly deserve it.

Ever yours in love and affection,


  1. Mr. F. Leggett.
  2. Mrs. Dora Rosthlesberger, an occultist who had introduced Miss MacLeod and Mrs. Sturges to Swami Vivekananda.
  3. Mr. Leggett’s camp in New Hampshire. From here Swami Vivekananda went to Thousand Island Park