From ‘Epistles – Fourth Series’-chapter -V of Volume 8 of The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda.
To Miss Josephine MacLeod
102 E. 58TH STREET,
20th July, 1900.
Possibly before this reaches you I shall be in Europe, London or Paris as the chance of steamer comes.
I have straightened out my business here. The works are at Mr. Whitmarsh’s suggestion in the hands of Miss Waldo.
I have to get the passage and sail. Mother knows the rest.
My intimate friend did not materialise yet and writes she will come some time in August, and she is dying to see a Hindu, and her soul is burning for Mother India.
I wrote her I may see her in London. Mother knows again. Mrs. Huntington sends love to Margot and expects to hear from her if she is not too busy with her scientific exhibits.
With all love to “sacred cow” of India, to yourself, to the Leggetts, to Miss (what’s her name?), the American rubber plant.
Ever yours in the Lord,