Jyeyasu, Tokugowa Shogun, 1600 (Tokio Court) paid such humble homage to the Mikado (Kioto Court) as to render the king absolutely helpless, a veritable stone-Thakurji. In the name of sanctity the Kioto Court was deprived of all political authority. A strong garrison was stationed in Kioto, ostensibly for the protection of the palace but…
Among the generals and admirals who have distinguished themselves in the Chinese and Russian Wars, many were brought up as youths in the principles of Oyomei. This it is which makes them calm amid danger, resourceful in planning and ever alert to meet the dictates of change. With welcome they recognized the Dragon amid the boiling ferment of the Restoration.
Oshiwo, a celebrated Oyomei scholar of Osaka, during the severe famine of 1807, for the famishing populace fired on the Governor’s garrison and held them in check while he distributed the contents of the Government granaries to the starving people. After that he calmly met his death.
Strike like the lightning, be terrible like the thunder, but remember that the sky itself is always clear above.
Mashashige, the hero who fought for the Mikado, and knowing that his cause was already lost, yet carried out the guerrilla warfare with the usurper which led to a temporary restitution of the Mikado’s power and claimed no reward when his work was accomplished, ” What is thy last wish?” said he to his brother as, wounded into death, they both emerged from their last terrible battle with the Shogin’s hosts. Smiling he listened to the swift reply.
“I wish to be born again to strike a blow for the Mikado,” and said, “though Buddhists teach that such wishes are sinful and lead to the hell of Asuras, yet not for once only but for seven lives do I wish to be reborn for that same end;*’ then each fell by the other’s sword.
Masatoura, the son of Mashashige, refused the first beauty of the Court who was deeply attached to him, when the Mikado offered her to him as a reward for his hereditary loyalty, pleading that his life was for death and not love.
Such should your devotion to Truth be.
The Samurai, like his weapon, was cold, but never forgot the fire in which he was forged.
Keiki, the last of the Shoguns, voluntarily gave up the reins of government to the Mikado, when the times were ripe for it. Again Japanese Constitution is the voluntary gift of the Mikado. Just deserve and there at your feet lies the object of desire.
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The lotus trembled above the turbid waters, the stars began to pale before the dawn, and that mighty hush which bespeaks the coming storm fell on the nation.
The Koh-i-noor is even as a tear-drop of bleeding India.
The problem of restoring the old while absorbing the new Restoration and Reformation.
The Restorative period of Japan (1863 to 1868 – between the death of Hikone and assumption of the throne by the present now late—Ed.) Mikado is characterized by an exuberant desire for self-sacrifice on the part of its enthusiasts. It was due to this feeling of patriotic arder that the Samurai voluntarily gave up his swords (Kouin), the diaiuio his fiefs and the Shogin his hereditary authority…
It was a curious example of social embryology that Japan should have assumed altruistic forms before its rebirth.
Their foreign policy made a virtue of necessity. Emperor Yaon of China relinquished his throne to the ablest citizen of the realm.
Restoration and Reformation:
There were four main lines along which the work of preparing the nation to meet the problem of modern life was carried. There were
1. Constitutional Government. 2. Liberal Education. 3. Universal Military Service. 4. The elevation of womanhood.
The Japanese lady possesses all the rights of her Western sister, though she does not care to insist upon them.