When a great famine or plague visits a province, the people are united, the ill feelings are quieted down. Thus feeling alike is a great bond of union. So, a household may be made happy if the husband and wife begin to desire alike. This similarity of feeling secures love and also guarantees their onward progress.
Reason is said to be the crown of man; it is rather the collar of the serf. It is the sign of imperfection, the acknowledgment of ignorance.
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The moonlight is enjoyed not when we go out to enjoy it, but when we get side gleams of it on our business march. So, is love enjoyed when we are going ahead in spiritual march.
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The stomach is felt when sick; so, is love of wife etc., felt when it is indecent.
You never feel your nose. So, why should you feel your connections. They will not drop down.
All degradation begins with the growth of the sense of shame (as in the myth of Adam and Eve).
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A civilised man abandons his true Self for his organs, making himself worse than animals; sacrifices the whole for the parts.
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All Dogmatism is flying off at a tangent from actual facts. The tangent represents the direction of a curve over a small arc: but following the tangent we soon Jose the curve,
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Most of the classifications of Science and Philosophy are like classifying people by their boots. The method of Science is best called “the method of Ignorance.”
All Science and Philosophy wants to climb up a ladder to comb the hair,
All accumulation of riches and wealth is like mounting the housetop to reach the stars.
The wish is always father to the thought.
Feeling always precedes thinking—as the body precedes the clothes.
Change the feeling m an individual, and his whole method of thinking will be revolutionised.
Feeling – life within; Thought – husk or bud-sheath.
The husk prepares the bud underneath, which is to throw, it off. The thought prepares and protects the feeling underneath which growing will inevitably reject it. Change the feeling and reasoning changes,
An Urdu Couplet is quoted here
All Science and Experience stands on the Under-standing and the Understanding on Feeling. Should we not seek the solution of the problem hopelessly baffling to Atomic Theory or Force Theory in the really ultimate source of knowledge, i.e. Feeling, the heart of man, the source of perception, the origin of light?
Seek not the solution of Cosmic mystery in the remotest circumference of Humanity—atoms etc., but in the very centre of it, the Feeling.
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Pass through the crowded streets and cities as you pass through beautiful landscapes and lovely mountains. The criticisms and jealousies of others being like the slippery ground and rolling stones, enjoy everything despite all that. Unaffected witness, immune.
People misbehave because of Ignorance. It is the one Maya (Avidya) that takes different forms. Don’t think of the forms or shapes it takes in others. Illumine it by your light and it is gone.
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As infants we cannot lift ourselves above the floor, (but) through the years of the proud strength of manhood we scale the loftiest mountains. What is it that enables us to overcome gravity? Like overcomes like. Therefore the will in us must be related to Gravity as kith and kin, nay, as one and the same.
And just like the sense of weight, Sound m Emotions musical.’ The other senses stand in pregnant relation with the world. I am the Unity running throughout Nature.
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Let Science as a minister to the most external parts of man start with our foot as its datum. But if we want to attack the ultimate Nature, the final reality, we must take our measure from the most central principle in man.
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The constipated manners and frozen speech of people are a continual denial of all natural affection – and a continual warning against offence.
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Does there not exist an inner Illumination of which what we call light in the outer world, is the partial expression and manifestation, by which we can see things as they are, not by any local act of perception but by a cosmical intuition and presence, identifying ourselves with what we see?
“Whatever is known to us by direct consciousness,” says Stuart Mill in his System of Logic, “is known to us beyond possibility of question.”
Now, what is known by our local and temporary consciousness, is known for the moment beyond possibility of question; and what is known by our permanent and universal consciousness, is permanently known beyond possibility of question.
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Un-Vedantic Socialism is simply “floundering from the quagmire into the bog.”
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Thoreau preferred leisure to ornaments.
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Timid people of fashion are caught in the jaws of a vice and cannot move.
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Your work in this world is finished when you have realised the Truth. Let it be imparted to but one man and you are done with it.
The accepted morals are mere customs.
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The old moral codes want to extinguish some of the passions – seeing that it is easier to shoot a restive horse than to ride him.
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Have a left foot (vice), as well as right (virtue), that gives you a firmer standing.
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The caddis-fly leaves his tube behind and soars into the upper air; the creature abandons its barnacle existence on the rock and swims at large in the sea.
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It is just when we die to custom that, for the first time, we rise into the true life of humanity: it is just when we abandon all prejudice of our own superiority over others that the world opens out with comrade faces in all directions, and we pass easily and at once into the great ocean of freedom and equality.
If the tongue eats only for its taste and not for the health of the body, it will lose all relish. So, man in a healthy state does not act for himself alone, nor does he talk cant about serving his neighbour. He acts making them part and parcel of his own life.
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To know and understand Atman is like trying to look into the front and back of a mirror at the same time.
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The only wrong is to put this question: “Am I right?”
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It is only habit, an illusion of difference, that divides; after all it is the same human creature that flies in the air, and swims in the sea, or walks biped upon the land.
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People won’t have patience. They want to merely bathe in the Ganges (Jordan) and make them clean.
All the charity and generosity of the rich:
“They clean the outside of the cup and platter, but within they are full of extortion and excess”
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All love implies an intense longing for the perfect human form—does it? Ans.—Indirectly; like for like; hunting after Perfect Self.
No personality, no individuality, no responsibility anywhere. One Power Supreme is the only one Soul of each and all: and that am I.