Poverty = absence of stored up economic force. It may arise from sickness, accident, or from various temporary conditions. The person now subject to poverty may have within himself the cure for it. The pauper cannot cure himself, and all help given him but intensifies his pauperism.
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Why all this misery in this world? Through Indiscriminate charity. Charity is to be judged not by its motives but by its results.
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To know the evil is to go half way toward its cure. Let us see our enemy face to face and we can strike him.
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Take away the freedom which is thraldom to sin.
The primary function of sex is the production of variation.
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Woman is not undeveloped man but diverse, differentiated.
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The more noble and perfect an animal, the later is his maturity. The development of woman’s reason ceases at 18, while that of man is imperfect before the age of 28.
Women are kind to the unfortunate because they have no sense of justice.
Most misfortune is criminal negligence. Schopenhauer argues and excludes pity, which would be treachery to justice.
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“Dr. Amos G. Warner has well said that the “true function of charity is (i) to restore to usefulness those who are temporarily unfit, and (ii) to allow those unfit from heredity to become extinct with as little pain as possible,”
Women exist in the main solely for the propagation of the species and in their heart take the affairs of the species more seriously than those of the individual because the general bent of their character is in a direction fundamentally different from that of the man and it is this which produces that discord in married life which is so frequent and almost the normal state.
The natural feeling between men is mere indifference, but between women it is actual enmity. The reason for this is trade-jealousy, which in the case of men does not go beyond the confines of their own particular pursuits, but with women embraces the whole sex, since they have only one kind of business.
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While a hundred considerations carry weight in the case of men, in the case of women there is only one – namely, with which man may have found favour.
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“I have seen,” says Dr. Starr Jordon in his foot notes to Evolution, “I have seen women harnessed with dogs in Holland, drawing through the canals a vessel on which a man sits to steer.” It is said in Italy that “women are better than dogs for carrying burdens but not so good as mules.”
India is not so bad as that.