From Note Book 5 of ‘In Woods of God-Realization’
There is a kind of illusion about physical desire similar to that which a child suffers from when, seeing a beautiful flower, it instantly snatches the same, and destroys in a few moments the form and fragrance which attracted it. He only gets the full glory who holds himself back a little and truly possesses, who is willing if need be not to possess.
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Diagoras, a pupil of Democritus, was the first among the Greeks to receive the name of atheist. The logician chanced one day to be at sea during a heavy storm.
The sailors attributed the storm to him. All that they were enduring was a punishment for conveying such an impious wretch as he.
“Look at those other ships over there,” said Diagoras.
“They are in the same storm, aren’t they? Do you suppose that I am in lack of them?”
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In going off in pursuit of things external, the “I” (since it really has everything and needs nothing) deceives itself, goes out from its true home, tears itself asunder, and admits a gap or rent in its own being.
(Hence the dissatisfaction following sensuous enjoyments.)
This it must be supposed, is what is meant by Sin – the separation or sundering of one’s being and all the pain that goes therewith. It all consists in seeking those things and not in the things themselves. They are all fair and gracious enough; their place is to stand round the throne and offer their homage rank behind rank in their multitudes if so be, we will accept it. But for us to go out of ourselves to run after them, to allow ourselves to be divided and rent in twain by their attraction, that is an inversion of the order of heaven.
To this desertion of one’s true self sex tempts most strongly and stands as the type of Maya and the world-illusion; yet the beauty of the loved one and the delight of corporal union all turn to dust and ashes if bought at the price of disunion and disloyalty in the higher spheres disloyalty even to the person whose love is sought.
Sex is the allegory of love in the physical world. It is from this fact that it derives its immense power. The aim of Love is non-differentiation, absolute union of being, which can only be found at the centre of existence. And in the moment when this union is accomplished, creation takes place.
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Pyrrho admitted no difference between health and illness, life and death. He expected nothing, asked for nothing.