Bhagavad Gita Jnana Yajnam (spiritual discourses) in Malayalam by Swami Sandeepananda Giri (Sandeep Chaithanya) on Daivasura Sambad Vibhaga Yogam chapter of Srimad Bhagavad Geetha is made available for your listening. You may play and listen to the audio directly from this webpage itself, or download each MP3 audio file, one at a time, and listen to them from your computer or any digital audio player. We encourage you to visit School of Bhagavad Gita website and buy books, CDs and DVDs, or offer Gurudakshina.

You may also download and read Srimad Bhagavad Gita (PDF) with meaning in Malayalam.

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1 21.9 MB 96 Minutes Download‌ [audio:]
2 17 MB 74 Minutes Download‌ [audio:]