The 108 Names of Sri Bhagavan (Ramana Ashtothara 80-87) Original Sanskrit by Sri Viswanatha Swami and English Translation & Commentary by Professor K. Swaminathan
80. Atmaramah: One who rejoices in the Self.
[The Gita praises one whose bliss is in the Self as atmarati, atmatrpta, atmasantushtah. Bhagavan was nirvikara, nityopa santa, unchanging, ever serene, because he rejoiced in the bliss, the contentment, the simple purity of awareness].
Om Atmaramaya namah.
81. Mahabhagah: One who is endowed with the noblest qualities.
[The egoless person is the dwelling place of all goodness and greatness].
Om Mahabhagaya namah.
82. Matrumukti vidhayakah: Ordainer of Mother’s moksha.
[In some ways, this is the most significant of the 108 Names. Biographically, as an event in human history, what happened on May 19, 1922 (Vaisakha Bahula Navami) was only next in importance to the great illumination in July 1896. Mother Alagamma had in 1916 come finally to stay with Bhagavan and, during these six years of loving service to Him and the devotees in Skandasramam, had re-established the link between nature and the supernatural. On the last day, as she lay dying, Bhagavan was by her side all the time, his right hand on her heaving chest, his left upon her head. Some devotees were chanting Ramanama, others reciting the Vedas. In such a holy atmosphere sanctified by Bhagavan’s close contact, she breathed her last. It was then 8 p.m. Bhagavan looked particularly happy, and seemed to feel free as a bird, having been released from his obligation to Mother. Kavyakantha Ganapati Muni (who was then living in Mango Tree Cave) was then present at Skandasramam, and he declared that she had attained moksha by the grace of her son. Her body was buried, not cremated. Attaining, giving ‘moksha’ are conventional terms for restoration to the original state of Being-Awareness-Bliss.
In giving mukti to his mother, Bhagavan played the part of Siva, Mrtyunjaya, the conqueror of Death. The auspicious functioning of a regular temple over Mother’s samadhi is solid proof of the supreme Grace of Bhagavan. Again, matru means ‘cow’. The Name refers also to the grace bestowed on the Cow Lakshmi, about whom there is a moving little booklet by Devaraja Mudaliar. Like the mutual love of Mother and child, the cow-calf relationship is a concrete fact, besides being a powerful symbol. Love is the living link between nature and the supernatural, between time and the timeless.
Also, matru means the measurer, calculator, knower, and refers to the jiva, the individual. Bhagavan’s grace and the gift of moksha are available to anyone who turns towards Him in love and lets His love govern one’s life].
Om Matru mukti vidhayakaya namah.
83. Vinatah: The meek and humble one.
[Bhagavan taught and practised the utmost humility.Muruganar says, “Meeker than the meekest, through meekness the Supreme reveals his true supremacy”].
Om Vinataya namah.
84. Vinutah: The adored one.
[Proving thus through meekness his supremacy, he was adored by all. In the last line of Siva Puranam in Tiruvachakam, those who bow in worship at the Feet of Siva are exalted by all].
Om Vinutaya namah.
85. Viprah: True Brahmana.
[Called Brahmana Swami, he was like Kumara, a true Brahmana, a seer of Reality, from early youth].
Om Vipraya namah.
86. Munindrah: King of munis, first among ascetics.
Om Munindraya namah.
87. Pavakojjvalah: Brilliant flame of jnana.
[Bhagavan, well settled in his last earthly abode, burns steadily like a flame in a windless place and never swerves from Self-knowledge, Cf. Name 96. Bhagavan is a flame which burns steadily, purifies whatever it touches and transforms it into fuel. Approaching this fire, one is caught up in it and becomes a part of this continuous process of burning. In true living, awareness is a steady fire and action only feeds and becomes awareness, as fuel turns to heat and light].
Om Pavakojjvalaya namah.