The Master’s Payment
This part is taken from Various Stories & Tales in “Spiritual Stories” as Told by Ramana Maharshi A disciple served his master for a long time and realised the Self. He was in Bliss and wanted to express his gratitude to the Master. He was in tears of...Each Reflects His Own Nature
This part is taken from Various Stories & Tales in “Spiritual Stories” as Told by Ramana Maharshi A Nayanar went to Kalahasti for the darsan of God. He saw all the people there as Siva, and Sakti, because he Himself was so. Again Dharmaputra...God Works for His Devotee
This part is taken from Various Stories & Tales in “Spiritual Stories” as Told by Ramana Maharshi On a particular day in the year the God and the Goddess are taken to an adjoining field and the festival of the gods and goddess is celebrated. This is in...Unknown Tenth Man
Brahma jnana is not a knowledge to be acquired, so that acquiring it one may obtain happiness. It is one’s ignorant outlook that one should give up. The Self you seek to know is verily yourself. Your supposed ignorance causes you needless grief like that of the ten foolish men who grieved the ‘loss’ of the tenth man who was never lost.