Fantastic Things – Poem-21 (My Life And Quest)
You just happen to be
Because X met Y;
For awhile you are free
To reason why,
And then you die—
So they say.
You just happen to be
Because X met Y;
For awhile you are free
To reason why,
And then you die—
So they say.
That consciousness am I, that Vast Expanse
Of pure serene, that One without a form—
Not even One but Am-ness undefined.
If there’s I there are others.
The ego-thought makes blind,
The ego-love smothers.
Why cling in vain to such a phantom self
Within the brief horizons of a dream?
An intuition of eternity?
Right—but whose? The dream’s?
What is, or what just seems?
“I think, therefore I am,” Descartes
Was shrewd enough to say;
Whereby unwittingly he showed the way
How not to be.