CWSV Volume 6
The only panacea was a right understanding of the proper persons, and then to find liberty in love and freedom in liberty and motherhood, brotherhood, fatherhood, Godhood, love in freedom and freedom in love, in the right holding up of the true ideal in sex.
CWSV Volume 6
We play our parts here — good or bad. When the dream is finished and we have left the stage, we will have a hearty laugh at all this.
CWSV Volume 6
I am so glad a whole load is off me, now I am happy. I have served Ramakrishna through mistakes and success for 20 years now. I retire for good and devote the rest of my life to myself.
CWSV Volume 6
Letter to Margaret E. Noble 13
CWSV Volume 6
Letter to Margaret E. Noble 12