From Volume 9 of the Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda – Letters – Fifth Series
27th June 1900.
This is my plan just now. I will have to remain in New York a few days yet to see my books through. I am going to publish another edition of Karma-Yoga and the London lectures in a book form. Miss Waldo is editing them, and Mr. Leggett will publish.
Then, I think, if I am to remain in this country a few weeks more, it is better that you get a rest and change. Newport[6]* is a celebrated seaside place — four hours from New York. I am invited there. I will go there this week and, as promised, I [will] find quiet and retirement and freedom. I will try to find a place for you and wire you as soon as found.
I am sure in Detroit you cannot have rest. A little change of place and quiet from time to time is a great factor in renewing one’s vigour.
Well, if you think that you would have better rest and quiet in Detroit, drop a line and I come. It is only seventeen hours from New York to Detroit, and I am quite strong to undertake it. I am free to go already; only I really want you to take a good, long rest for some weeks at least.
Don’t be afraid of expenses. Mother has amply provided that and will provide, so long I am unselfish.
Think [over] all the pros and cons, and write at your earliest convenience.
I am going to Newport anyway, just to see what it looks like. I will write you all about [it] as soon as I am there.
Ever yours in the Lord,